Kisses from wolves Chapter 3.

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Laying in my bed, I turn the fifth page of the book  I was reading called, ‘City of Bones’ Slowly I start to slip into an oblivion, my mind easing into tiredness. In the few minutes that my eyes are closed, I suddenly hear something scraping against my wooden window. 

I stir out of the comfortable bed and cautiously drag myself to my window. I open it, and feel a rush of wind blow against my face, and travels down my spine.I look from side to side and see nothing. I quickly shut the windows and walk to the back of my door, retrieving my bathrobe. I put it on and slip my slippers on. Opening my door, I slip out slowly and make my way downstairs. I check for the sight of anyone and see no one. I proceed to the kitchen and open the refrigerator. 

For a family of four, they didn’t have much food. All I could see was, lots of meat,bottles of water and milk. 

I take out the milk and pour it into a glass. 

As I am sipping from the glass. I hear the front door open. 

I peak from where I am standing and see a figure appear. 

“ Kaycee, what are you doing up?” asks Marie, wiping her hands on the sides of her pants. 

“ Couldn't sleep” I reply with a shrug. I couldn't really tell her, I heard someone scraping my window, she would think I’m mad.

“ Oh” she said, looking to the floor. I put my glass down and cross my arms.

“ Yeah, anyway how come your up, its like midnight” I ask with curiosity. 

“ Oh just um planting some vegetables” she said with a slight laugh in her voice.

“ At midnight?” I ask with a ‘ I’m not dumb’ look. 

She shrugs and starts making her way out of the kitchen.

“ Whats this thing about the boys getting ready for the full moon tonight?” I ask stopping her in her tracks. 

“ Its really nothing, just something the boys have to do occasionally”she says her back facing me.

“ What, are they werewolves or something” I ask with ring of sarcasm. 

“ Of course not” she says turning towards me, her eyes glaring at me. For some reason, I back away slowly, surprised at her change of mood. Without a word from me she walks back outside. I quickly run back to my room and quietly shut the door. I walk over to my window and slowly open it. This time I was ready for the wind. I look down from the window and see Marie talking to a man I hadn’t seen before. I adjust myself on the window, trying to hide and listen at the same time.

“ Where are the boys?” the man asks.

“ Thats none of your consent, you walked out on them when you knew what they were!”shouts Marie in a whisper. 

“ They are monsters, and I have to do what I need to do to protect my town from animals like you all” He says with a snarl.

Marie looks down at her feet, crossing her arms across her chest.

“ Now I’m going to ask you again, where are they” He asks stepping towards her. 

“ I’m not telling you, you will have to go through me first, before you get to them” she said, growl escaping from her mouth. 

“ Its full moon, they have changed already haven't they” he said with a smirk growing on his lips.

“ You will never find them, they will kill you if you go near them”

Stepping away from her, he out stretches his arms and shouts to the air “ so be it” 

“ Men get her” He shouts pointing towards her. Out of no where, a sharp object flies over and stabs Marie in the neck. She looks struck for a second, while she weakly pulls it out. Without a word, she collapses on the gritty ground. With a gasp, I slap my hand to my mouth to stifle the cry that was to escape from my lips and give me away. 

“ Take her back to my cabin” Orders the man. He looks towards the house with pride, then looks up at where I am standing, at that point I quickly duck down, hiding from his view.

“ Sir, do you want to send some men to look for them” asks another man, as I slowly creep back up, only my eyes in view. 

“ Yes, find them and bring them to me” He says crossing his arms across his chest and follows the man away from the house and out of view into the woods.

I close my window, and sink to the floor and let out all the tears that were building up, fighting there way out of my eyes.

Authors Note:

Thank you for all the support and for reading my book. I'm sorry for the late update, and I promise to now Update everytime my chapter gets 100 views.I am dedicating this to the_book_maniac because she encouraged me to keep updating and is just an amazing person, Please go and check out her book "Renesmee Cullen's Diary "its really good!

Anyhoo what did you think of the story and what do you think will happen next?

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