Chapter One: The question

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( Drawing is by me, please don't steal-)

She awoke, not knowing where she was or who she was. Tenma watched as she opened her eyes, and he smiled warmly, and said, " Hello, my precious Akane." He picked her up, and held her. She smiled, and hugged him. He chuckled, and hugged her back. " I'm your father, can you say f-a-t-h-e-r?"

"...." She then began to say it, " Father-" She says. " Good!" He says, as he patted her head. She giggles, he then sets her down, to where she was standing. " Come on, there's something that I want to show you." She took a few steps, wobbling a bit. He kneeled down to her level, holding out his hands on either side of her, making sure that she wouldn't fall. She then began to walk. She made her way towards him, and hugged him. He hugs her back. " Well done!" He then took her hand, and began to lead her out of his lab.

Once they left it, he showed her a bedroom. She looks around, amazed. " Go look around, this is all yours-" Tenma says, with a smile.

The first thing that struck her interest were the building blocks, she sat down, and began to build a tower with them. Tenma smiles, and sits across from her, watching her build. She soon finished building, and she giggled and clapped her hands happily. " Wonderful!" Tenma says as she was learning fast. She continued to build. He then got some drawing paper, seeing if she was interested in drawing, or to see what she would do with it in general.

She noticed as he set down the paper, she then began to draw. Tenma watches as she draws a picture. She looks up at him, and smiles. He smiles back at her, as he picks her up, cradling her in his arms. He then stood up, and held her up in the air, and she giggled, happily. He then pulled her down into a hug. She hugs him back. " My precious Angel-" He says.

He swore to himself that he would protect her, and her to never leave the house, due to what had happened in the past.

A few months had passed, she was now speaking full sentences, and her abilities were improving quickly. After a while, Tenma had realized that the resemblance of his son, Tobio, was all too much, and then he began to yell at her from time to time. Then she would get upset, and he couldn't face her, and would tell her to go to her room.

She also never understood why she couldn't go outside. One day, she went up to Tenma, and asked. " Why can't I go outside?" Tenma stopped what he was doing, and faced her. He kneeled down to her level, and said, " The world outside is too dangerous, you could get hurt-"

" I'll be careful, I promise-" She would try to say. Tenma frowned, and stood up. " I say no, it's final." He then got back to work. She sighed, and went back into her room. She was bored, she felt like she was a character in one of her fairytale books, locked away in a tower, waiting for someone to rescue her.

She grabbed a book, and began to read. After a while, she began to paint her walls, as she loved art. She then would draw on some paper, she would do all of those things just to pass time.

Just then, Tenma had called for Akane, she walked in, and stood near him. " Yes, dad?" She asked. " I have to make a few adjustments to add to your abilities," He replied.

" Okay." She says. He led her into the lab, and set her on a table, and got to work. He soon finished. " There-" He says. " Are you hungry?" he would ask her.

She nodded. He led her into the kitchen, and made her one of Tobio's favorites. He handed her a plate, and she sat at the table, and began to eat, while eating the fork in the process.

This was new. His eyes widened. " No, no, no! You're not supposed to eat the fork!" She looked at him, startled. " Sorry, dad." She apologized, while handing him the remainder of the fork. He takes it from her, slightly disappointed. " It's okay." he replied, and disposed of the fork, and got her a new one. " Just... try to eat properly."

She took the new fork, and ate properly this time. He gave a small smile, as he saw she seemed to enjoy the meal. She soon finished eating. " How was it?" He asked her. " It was great!" She replied. " I'm glad." He says. He gathered up her dishes, while telling her to go play,

She went into her room, and picked up a doll. After a little while, she looked outside, out to the city. If only she could go out there, and see what it's like, meet people, make friends. Knowing her dad, he wouldn't let her. She could at least try again.

She found Tenma, sitting in the common area, reading a book. " Dad?" she would say. He faced himself in her direction. " I thought I told you to go play?" he says.

" You did, but I wanted to talk to you about something-" She replied. He set his book down. " What is it?"

" It's about the outside, I know you don't want me out there, but-" Tenma cut her off. " Akane we're done talking about this-"

" Please, just listen, I just want to see what the world has to offer-"

" AKANE, YOU'RE NOT GOING OUTSIDE, EVER!" he shouted loudly. She looks at him, tearing up, knowing he couldn't handle it, he says, " Go to your room!"

She ran off. She went inside of her room, while slamming the door. She laid on her bed, sobbing quietly. He never understood her, let alone listen to her.

At this point, she will never see the outside, she would be in this house forever. Why did he have to be so mean? She failed to understand that. She noticed as he began to get dark outside, so she decided to get some rest.

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