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Name : Jack Marko .
Alignment Bad to good .
Nickname Sandman .

SuperpowersSand Body: Sandman's body is an amorphous blob of animated sand

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Sand Body: Sandman's body is an amorphous blob of animated sand. He originally possessed the ability to mold the sand into a shape that appeared to be completely human, and from that form convert his body (or parts of it) back into sand at will. How much control does he have over this form and how similar does it function to his previous state is not yet known.

Self-Sustenance: Sandman also no longer require the need for food, air, or rest.
Body Conversion-Sand: Sandman originally possessed the superhuman ability to convert his body into sand by mental command. The sand functioned identically to, and appeared to be, normal flesh. However, he could convert all or parts of his body into animated sand at will. His brain had attained subliminal awareness of all granulated particles of his body. Through conscious effort, he could affect the degree of molecular cohesion between the numerous adjoining surfaces of his particles and thus cause locomotion of discrete volumes, down to the individual grains. There appears to be no limit to how long the Sandman could remain in his sand-state. If he had been to be rendered unconscious while in his sand-state, he would remain in that state, although the relaxing of his control over his particles would cause him to become an amorphous pile of sand. Sandman's mind continued to function in astral form even when he had turned his head into sand and even when the particles of sand that composed his brain were widely scattered. The limit to how far the particles of his brain can be dispersed before he was unable to reassemble is not yet known. You can fully convert yourself in human form .

Superhuman Strength: As a consequence of having a body composed of animated sand, the Sandman possessed phenomenal superhuman strength, able to lift up to 85 tons under optimal conditions.
Density Control: His radically mutagenically altered body composition and increased density enabled him to compact or loosen the particles of sand that make up his form. Consequently, the Sandman can become as hard as sandstone, or disperse his body so that he becomes invulnerable to physical attacks. A favorite tactic of the Sandman is making himself slightly dispersed when an opponent punches him, and then making himself rock-solid again, entrapping his opponent's appendage.
Shape-Shifting: He could shape his sand-state body into any continuous shape he can imagine, including his forearms into weapons like hammers, spiked maces, and large fists, forming ram horns on his head, stretching, elongating, deforming, expanding, flattening, or compressing all or portions of his body at will, like Mr. Fantastic, phase through small openings, etc.
Sand Blasts: He could project his sand particles outward at high speeds and, when in the shape of a bulky object, with the impact of a large sandbag.
Glass Generation: Sandman learned some new tricks from the Wizard, including altering the formation of his sand particles and reshaping them into glass. This granted him the ability to reflect light and energy off of him (you learned that on your own ) .
Reformation: The Sandman maintained mental control of the particles of which his body is composed so that he could reform his scattered grains unless a substantial portion of his body mass has been isolated.
Sand Conversion: He could also convert common grains of sand around him into constituents of his body to replenish portions he might lose track of during battle. In this manner, he could increase his overall size and volume (to some as yet unknown limit), or that of his limbs.
Sand Clones: Thanks to having such good mental control over his own molecules, he was able to create duplicates of himself, each one capable of acting on its own.
Giant Form: The clones, should they be in agreement, were all able to fuse together into a giant Sandman, about the size of an eight story building.
Wall-Crawling: He was somehow capable of using his sand to allow him to walk up walls.

Dust form : by decreasing size of granules of which your body made . Once again you learn how to do that all by yourself .

William Backer / Flynt Marko / previous Sandman father .
Unknown mother deceased .
Alma Alvarado half-mother deceased .
Keemia Alvarado half-sister .
Love interest Caroline Trainer aka Lady Octopus

Love interest Caroline Trainer aka Lady Octopus

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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