Chapter one

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"They're nearly everywhere," Kris whispered as she gathered her hair behind her and loaded her nail gun.
"You got me?" She asked the both of them.
"What do you mean?" Ryan questioned, he showed concern in his voice.
"We've got our supplies, I'll go for the door if you cover me,"
Ryan paused a moment, he would rather go himself than risk getting someone else hurt.
"No way," he shook his head, "I'll go you cover me."
"Ryan.." a worried Alex stepped in just to cut himself off, "Just look, you ought to think more carefully than that," he cautioned
Ryan thought back.
No, he wouldn't allow it; not again, this time he'd take charge . This time he'd have no one hurting but himself.
"I'll go the back way," he informed them, " watch me, but most of all watch yourselves," he advised.
Kris nodded her head.
"Alright, I'm right behind you," she confirmed.
"I've got your back," Alex assured, "but I won't have you being the hero yet again."
He gave a smile, which Ryan returned as he signaled with a dip of the head.
"I'm going in," he stated taking a small step forward.
Ryan slowly pushed himself up to his feet and peeked around the self guarding him and the others from the flesh hungry post humans which stumbled around the store. His fingers found their places along the handle his hunting knife. As the first walking corpse approached him he removed the jagged blade from his tool-belt.
The corpse came closer and soon it was clearly aware of its potential meal.
Ryan moved his left foot back a bit to lead with his right; he thrust the knife into its temple and watched as it fell. He took in a breath as he continued forward to meet his next attacker. It wasn't long before came his way, but this one caught him off guard.
It hobbled his direction and tackled him when it was in range.
The air left his lungs as he hit the floor. It became difficult to breathe, he tried to shove it off but it held onto him with tight grip. He took in short breaths as he fought to put his knife through its head.
Suddenly a nail flew through the air and logged itself right into the back of the corpse's head. As the corpse went limp over him, finally giving up the fight, Ryan looked over his shoulder. Kris gave him a thumbs up and a smile. He returned her smile before he leaned his head back onto the floor and closed his eyes a moment as he was finally able to breathe.
After a moment, he took in a large gulp of air and opened his eyes.
Ryan pushed the corpse off his chest and stood. Once standing he re-gripped his knife. The living corpses of corse did not pause to wait for him, but the were wandering in all different directions.
Ryan had no problem drawing his knife into the skull of the next corpse he met.
Behind him, Alex grabbed out his own knife, which was different from Ryan's in the fact that it had a brass knuckle handle, and tiptoed across the room until he was at Ryan's side. He took a step forward into Ryan's view as to let him know he was there without startling him.
Ryan gave Alex a nod to show that he'd seen him, and from there they carried on together, staying in a tight formation and only stepping away briefly to take care of a corpse that presented itself. Occasionally a nail or small stick would fly past them to take out whichever corpses they failed to.
Soon their path was cleared, Ryan turned and motioned at Kris to join him and Alex.
She looked around a bit then hurried forward, but there was one corpse that they'd all missed. Kris turned away quickly as it approached her, her mind went into a panic. She stumbled away from it only to trip over another corpse still lying on the cold floor, her foot twisted uncomfortably and her face twisted into a pained expression. It pounced atop her as her fought to stay alive.
Ryan turned to help her but in an instant Alex pulled his gun from its holster, clicked off the safety, and fired. The bullet logged itself into her assailant's brain. Kris shoved it off just as soon as it's body fell. She looked up, shocked.
"We gotta go," Ryan stated urgently as he looked to the front door and soon corpses swarming it.
"Shit," Kris mumbled.
Alex turned to her,
"Kris, come on," he directed her.
"Yeah," she replied, she voice strained.
Ryan looked back.
Kris tried to push herself up but just sat right back down. She squinted her eyes in pain.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," she said, swatting at at the air as she noticed his worried glance.
"No you're not," Ryan blurted.
He wouldn't let her get bitten, they were going to make it back, and they were going to do it together.
Ryan took long quick strides in his steps towards her and soon stood just above her. He paused and offer his hand to help her, she took it in her own and tried to pull herself up. She sighed when she failed to stand.
"Going up," Ryan spoke as he lifted her over his shoulder.
Alex stood, waiting by the door.
"You didn't have to wait right here, you could've gone ahead," Ryan told him.
"I know," he replied simply.
Ryan looked at him a moment, then he hurried toward the door.
Alex opened the door slowly and looked around, he saw no corpses so he stepped outside and motioned for Ryan and Kris to join him.

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