Chapter 1

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Being rich and domineering are essential attributes for being a Khun, miss one and your out. Its a simple life really, be born out the many doxies the family head or should I say 'father' pounces at, have your birth giver inculcate the goal of dominating the family tree to your 9 month old cerebrum let us not forget to check your back perpetually since plans to extinguish  your existence has been organized before your first heart beat.

How to keep your standing as a child of Khun? Basic question, basic answer 'Acquire the approval of your father' an excruciating process and only validated by your contributions in the 'family'. Lets perceive this as a game, rules are simple: manipulate blood related individuals to do your bidding, climb the top and claim the crown be careful not to trip on those bloody corpses as you go.

I relied on my intellect to advance the social and family hierarchy using any dirty method at my disposal, hilariously enough I trusted her and before I could even blink I was discarded by the person I supported willingly. All the dirty schemes and ruse I used came back three-fold, she made me her scapegoat.

 Taking this chance other branches of the family wanted me 6 feet under, bitterly enough my oh so beloved birth giver bewitched the family head as a result instead of being placed in a beautifully carved white casket I received a house arrest in a manor on the country side away from the family 'Shouldn't you rejoice? ' Such a gullible thought, my punishment meant to say that I'm a disowned child and kept alive for prospect conspiracy, yeah rejoice in that.

After spending days alone in this European styled manor- maids are present but they don't show up unless you call for them-. Indignantly I realized that I don't want to go back not now and undeniably never. Though I physically cannot step outside the manor- curtsy of my father, I strangely began to relax no scheming, no competition, no blood related individuals and absolutely no freedom. At lease that's what I thought until I met him on the 25th night of my stay here.

"Alive but not living how delightful." I groaned leaning on the balcony's white stone railings, my favorite area in this gloomy manor. The scenery is soothing, boundless dark blue ocean, waves being pulled by the moon, and the numberless stars enhancing landscape's beauty.

"Well you could go for a swim?" A stranger's voice rang out disturbing the tranquil night. Senses sharpening I reached for the knife hidden in my sleeve. A thump sounded and I knew that he was behind me.

"The scenery suits your cerulean hair?" The stranger awkwardly complimented. I quickly turned around and flung my knife where the voice resonated, I reached for my second knife only to get pinned down the floor both my wrist unable to move, my legs also pinned down by the stranger's knee.

"Holy- You almost hit me!!" He yelled bewildered looking at the knife then to me then back at the knife that was embedded on the wall.

"That should have been your head!" I struggled, this guy is too strong for looking so scrawny. 

"Wait- waitt- what-? Seriously?!" He pinned both my wrist down with one hand and flicked the knife that fell from my other pocket. Still scuffling to break free I tried to hit his temple with my forehead only to hit his thorax instead. 

'Undeniably chiseled, Positively not scrawny'.

"Calm down?" He spoke unsure of himself, I continued to struggle harder fueled by adrenaline at this point.

"Definitely- a stranger casually shows up at your 4th floor balcony and tells you to calm down!!" I rolled to the side successfully making him lose balance I kneed his stomach and quickly stood up, kicked his back making him lay flat down, spun him around and pinned him pressing my weight to tighten my hold, reversing our roles.

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