Chapter 2

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Friday night event

Standing in front of the double golden doors, I mentally prepared myself. Maschenny chose to hold the celebration in a famous venue called "Grey Catfish" Its a large round area styles building the middle area is an open space enclosed by white pristine walls. I gagged she wanted to show off by alerting the other 10 families of this occasion.

"Aguero darling" A sickly sweet voice erupted behind. I turned to look at my mother who was wearing a black maxi style dress she was heavily dosed with shimmering accessories.

"Mother" I'm not even inside the building yet and I already mentally vomited twice. She gently placed her hand on my head then gently stroked my hair her nails traced my cheeks and she gripped my jaw tight nails digging in my skin. I didn't do anything, say anything nor think about escaping for now.

"My dear Aguero reconcile with your father for me yes?" I gave her a weak nod, she let go of my cheeks and proceeded to walk towards the doors the guards opened the door and I followed suit. Just today, for just today I need to be a confident Son of Khun. The guards nodding towards each other shut the door and left.

As I said it was an open area, I could see the night sky but the moon was hidden from sight, tables were neatly scattered on the field, lamps the only source of light glowed dimly as if to set the mood, violins can be heard in the background, A fountain displayed at the platform in the core of the field and the people were definitely branches of the Khun family they didn't come here to celebrate, they came here to figure out how she did it and to expand their networks as well. All this giggling and talking is just a mask their ears and eyes are trying to gather information. Don't talk, don't stare, look confident and conceal your presence.

"My Aguero..." I groaned, never wanting to hear that voice forged with love and deception. I turned to look at Maria who was wearing a white puffy dress and she looked beautiful,

I hate it.

"Congrats, leave." I said coldly matching it with an artic glare. She looked at me with guilt, eyes shimmered as if she wanted to cry.

"Don't be like that Aguero" A tall lady or should I say cougar emerged behind me, Maschenny. She circled around Maria then firmly grasped her shoulders "We actually planned this for you, after all you did help Maria grasp the throne." She smiled mockingly, the people surrounding us started to whisper, stares grew heavy as they watch for my reaction, I won't let them.

"No need to thank me, it was out of pity after all, you don't have the and knowledge to even hold a candle against other candidates." I smiled staring at her the same her eye twitch and her smile faltered opening her mouth she was cut off by a waiter with yellow hair who came and offered wine.

"Wine, master?" Maschenny took a glass from the boy and gave it to Maria who held it with confusion eyes blinking.

"Dodge" Maschenny suddenly pushed Maria towards me making her trip and spill the wine over my coat I caught Maria with ease at the expense of my pride the shriek Maria let out made heads turn towards us if that wasn't bad enough.

"Oh my, Maria be careful, thank you for your service Aguero" Maschenny's voice was laced with mirth as she pulled Maria back to her. My white coat was drenched with red wine and Maria was not, I glared at both of them and almost retaliated back.

"Clean up this mess" A domineering voice rang out to the now silent field my heart shook in deliberation. Emerging from the crowd Khun Edahn himself, walked towards Maria and stared. "You are not hurt, are you?" it wasn't a question to check her condition is was a challenge that asks if your this petty to make a scene.

"I am well Father" Maria smiled turning back to the angel I thought she was.

"Start the feast!" Maschenny's voice rang out then a wave of waiters came with trays balanced in each hand. I looked at my coat and frowned, This isn't over.

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