Chapter 3

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Back to where Khun was staying

It was half past midnight the grin in my face doesn't seem to fade away all that satisfaction happened in the span of 10 minutes, Maschenny's face kept appearing in my mind with her messy aggressively sliced hair if I could only place it in canvas I would have already sent one to each family I laughed. Maria on the other hand was too pitiful I frowned she deserved it, its just that the after taste is bitter suddenly remembering the coat I threw at her I smirked did you really think I gave that coat to comfort her miserable state? I gave it to her to remind her that this is her karma and for trusting Maschenny more than me I admit that was a large blow to the gut but it doesn't matter now this event won't be forgotten as long as they live. I shivered as the wind brushed my bare skin truth be told I'm exhausted and cold and yes I'm on the balcony.

'Baam's late'

"NO!" I shoo away the thought waving my arms in the air as if it helps, I covered my face with my hands feeling the heat rush up my face. As long as I don't acknowledge my innards, it will gradually disappear right?

"Hello Khun" I turned around faster than I intended, letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding I faced the yellow... haired...?

"Hey! That expression hurts you know." Wangnan pouted "Your hand!!" he shrieked.

"Where's Baam?" Out of habit my hands are instantly holding my knife I placed it back and leaned on the balcony, Wangnan visibly relaxed.

"Dealing with the after effects, He told me to pick you up." Wangnan grinned he placed both arms behind his head and sat on the chair I placed a week ago.

"I don't trust you" I glared dejavu much?

"But you trust Viole" He chuckled and I turned away.


"Message from Viole 'Do I have your permission now?' I don't really get it but he said you'd get it." Wangnan said.

"Yeah... sure" I muttered Wangnan stood up and said something about preparations and left.

'That little shit.' I groaned I realized why he didn't take the gem after knowing its location it was because he wasn't taking about a literal blue gem, how the hell did I miss that part? and who the hell uses gems as an excuse! My head felt like it was about to burst from realization, curse your eyes for looking so innocent! My cheeks heat up as I took in the newly found information that was right before my eyes.

"He was asking if he could take you away." Another voice emerged behind me I sigh and turned towards my butler Leesoo I acted as if I didn't hear what he said though it affected the strength in my knees.

"How long have you been spying on me? Your not a butler are you" I asked.

"Not spying more like... checking?" He chuckled nervously rubbing his neck "No, I'm not a butler, Viole asked me to check on you for a while, as you know he can only see you once a week at most." He casually sat down the chair and stared at the moon.

"You might not trust us and that's okay, We really didn't trust you at first but Viole did and then it had a domino effect on us, little by little without knowing who you are we started to trust you as well, weird isn't it?" I could tell that this man is telling the truth and I can feel the respect and trust he had for Viole.

"How could you trust him so blindly?" I asked sitting down to the chair next to Leesoo.

"It's the same with you" He grinned putting his hand out for a handshake. "So do you give Viole the permission to take you away?" I stared at his hand, 17 years of my life flashed before my eyes and it was just a repetition of blood and calculations all in grey but in the bare minutes I met Baam it was the first time I saw a genuine expression of happiness directed at me.

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