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"IT ALL happened so fast," Haley said as she stood in the hospital with Athena and the rest of the family.

"I keep thinking there was something I could have done," Jay said.

"No, don't blame yourself. Who could've seen it coming," Mitchell told his father.


It had all started earlier that day at Lukes birthday party.

"Sweetie, that's a rock wall. Is that even safe," Claire asked her husband as she looked around at everything Phil had put in their yard for the party.

"Hey, has anyone ever gotten hurt on one of these things?" Phil asked the worker who brought it.

"I don't know, man. It's my first day."

"When did we decide all this? I think it's too much," Claire said after Phil tried to convince her it was safe.

"Damn, Phil!" The two adults heard the familar sound of Athena's voice. They looked over to see her walking up the driveway, amazed at everything in the yard. "You really went all out." She looked up at the rock wall. "Is that safe?"

"Maybe," Phil said.

"Mom, just so you know, Dylan cannot have mayonnaise," Haley told her mother as she walked up the three.

"That's random. Why are you telling me that?"

"Cause he's coming to the party."

"Is that absoultely necessary?" Claire and Athena asked in sync.

"Yes, because she can't go 10 minutes without her boyfriends tounge in her mouth. It's like he's feeding a baby bird," Alex said. Athena let out a snort that caused Haley to give her an offended look.

"I'm sorry," Athena said, muffling her laughs with her hands. She cleared her throat before saying, "It's not that funny."

"Don't be so jealous," Haley told her sister. "I'm sure you'll be someone super hot at computer camp." As she walked off Athena followed her.

"Does Dylan seriously have to come to the party?" Athena asked.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Haley asked with a sigh.

"I just don't think he's right for you, Haley."

"You don't get to decide that, do you?"

Athena sighed, "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just, ever since Dylan came around we've been hanging out less and I miss you. I guess I just get stupid jealous sometimes."

Athena was right, she was jealous but not for the exact reason's she told Haley.

"Well, I'm sorry we haven't been hanging out that much anymore. One of these days we'll hang out, just us two. Not with my family or with Dylan, just us. Until then, can you at least pretend to like Dylan?" Haley asked. She knew it was difficult for Athena to get along with other people, especially the one's Haley knew, but she just wanted the two people she cared about to get along.

"Well, it's gonna be very difficult. . . but I'll try."

Haley smiled and wrapped her arms around Athena's neck, bringing her into a hug. Athena let out a sigh and held Haley tighter to her.


"Mind if we come in?" Gloria asked a sad Manny who was jumping in the bounce house. He had just struck out with his crush and Gloria had recruited Athena to help with him.

"Oh, I've missed these things," Athena said as she belly flopped onto the ground. She pat the spot next to her. "Come sit."

"Why you bounce so sad?" Gloria asked.

"I told all my jokes. It turns out I'm not the funny guy," Manny sighed, sadly.

"The right girl will find you when it's time, even though I'm gonna hate losing you to another woman."

"You'll never lose me, Mom. I'll always love you, not matter what."

"And, Manny?" He turned his head the curly-headed girl next to him. "The right girl will laugh at your jokes no matter how bad they are. Plus, there will be a million other girls out there, don't dwell on just one."

"Exactly and you need no tricks. Just be the sweet, wonderful little boy that you are."

"Sweet little boy. Got it. She won't know what hit her."


"What the fuck?" Athena said as she watched Cam enter the party dressed as his clown 'identity', Fizbo. She looked over to see Phil was quite scared. "You okay?"

"What? Yeah. Just have kind of a complicated relationship with clowns."

"Well, join the club," Mitch told him.


"Hey, jungle lady?" Athena heard Haley ask as she walked into the living room. "I think -- I think one of your bugs got out."

"What? This one?" The woman asked, pointing towards the now empty container.

"This box thing here -- it's on it's side."

"Oh my god."

"Is everything okay?" Dylan asked.

"No. I lost a poisonus scorpion, and I need to find it."

"Nope. Not today," Athena said, turning around to walk back outside as she repeated the word 'no' over and over again.


"Is he okay?" Alex asked as Claire stepped back into the hospital waitng area.

"He's in with the doctor right now. These things happen, right? No matter how careful you are."


At the party a lot went wrong. The scorpion scaring off Cam who came top close to Phil, who bumped into the Jay, who accidentally popped the bounce house by shooting it with a crossbow and Luke slipped on a bunch of beads from Claires craft table.


"How is he?" Gloria asked as her and Manny got to the hospital.

"Oh, he's gonna be fine."

Fianlly, Luke walked out with a cast on his arm.

"Wow. Everybody's here," Luke smiled

"Of course we are. How's that busted flipper?" Jay asked.


"Sorry about today, buddy. We'll try again next year, huh?" Phil said.

"Are you kidding? This was the best birthday ever."


"I got a cast."

"You like the cast?" Claire asked him.

"I've always wanted one. After a few weeks, they start to smell."

"You are so weird, you know that?" Alex asked her brother.

"Can I sign it?" Manny asked, leading everyone to volunteer to sign the cast.

this was made out of complete boredom so i'm sorry if it's bad. there's not many haley and athena moments this chapter cause i did want to give athena and the family more of  a relationship outside of her and haleys friendship.

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