Chapter One

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Warning: This is very weird. Yes, it's a joke, but it contains extreme amounts of OOCness, humor, bad spelling, and general stupidity.
Note: Frilly is basically a fan character who works as a housemaid.

Once upon a time billions of years from now somewhere in the world or whatever, ther was a king who dint know what to doo with his life. His name was Emperor. 

And once agian he didn’t kno wat to do wit his he asked soggy toe Komaeda what to do. “Go eat some baygels at McDonalds, Emperer!!”

“Do they even have bagels?”

“McCafee Virus protection, idiot.” Prinz yelled from another room. 

“And what the fuck is Nagito doing here?”

“Im a hallucination! The accident was 8 yers hav to let me go, Hajime!”

said Nagito. Emperrr ignored him and left. “Yung master, is everything alright?” said the butler. “Of corse knot.” He went off to MacDoonalds and said “Hi I would like to applycation for a job heere.”

“sir, this is a McDonald’s…and you’re HIRED!” said Ronald McDonald.

“Here’s yur uniform...wel, we ran out so here’s a costume!” he held up a happy meal bocks.

“There’s no way...” 
“Im gonna need yu to dance outside and advertise for us,,,,”’ Emperor stared at the awful looking happy meal costume and around the restaurant. “I want weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed” Goggles complained in a corner.
“Sun, that;s illegal. Im sorry.” Specs pushed him away. “Hedphons, control our kid”

Ever since Bobble Hat died in car crash nothing was pog :)

“Are you gonna go to Smackerdoodle’s or not?” said Emperor. Goggles froze when he saw Empr in the costume and covered his mouth. “HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
This is gonna be a loooooooooooooooong day. Longer than my suffering in elementary school. Emperor thot. 


“Welcoem hoem master!:” daasnmsnamsasmsmamasmassmsamasmsma YEEEEEEEEEEEEE saisd ejected 1 imposter remains ;)

“I;m not ur ‘master’ or whatever’ Emperor was caught off guard when Frilly suddenly pulled out a bedsheet that was covered in kechup. "Whut happend here?" He ignored her and went to see Prince in his room. Whin he arrived, he an Laceless were watching videeos and laghing like maniacs. Egg Jr. was on the floor crying about sandwich day or sum shit.

This reminded Emp that his brother was probably hyper af so he came up to Prinz and tried to calm him down. He was laughing so hard that tears were streeming from his eyes.

"O-onee-chan!" He tried to say, then fell over. "Calm down please…" Laceless turnd up the volume of the perfectly cut memes they were watching and yeeted the device at the sound system.

"I'm hungry," said Emperor. "Prinz it's time to go sleepy-sleepy.." 
"Whatevr. I'm gonna go doo my job. But first…"


"Sleep tight~"
Prince groaned but Empeerro grabed a pacifier and put it into his mouth. "I'm not a little squid anymor >:/'
"bye-bye..Your big brothers gotta go to work. "

He went down to the McDonald's and said, "I'm gonna work here." So he put the happy meal costume back on and went outside with a giant sign. "Smiillle" said Roonald McDoonald. Emperor groaned. "It's not calld a Hapy Meel for nothimgg"

He trid to smile but he looked liek Jeff the killer plotting his next victm. "Not like that!"

Skull was headed towards the McDonald's to get some yummy ice creem to share withAviators. He saw Emperior in the hapy meal costume and began to laugh. "You look RIDICULOUS!" he yelled and proceeded to take a picture of him. "Shut the fuck up, Grapes."

He saw Half Rim on a walcc with Gloves holding hands and spinning with joy :D

But suddenly Half Rum needed to go to the bathroom and then get milk so hee excussd himself to go take a dump and then get milk. 

Gloves saw Emperor in the costume and of corse culdn't help but thinks he look funny. He HAD to take a picture. "Everyvody knos Wendy's is better." YGloves said proudly.

"You're not getting any where and yu never will if you continu to work at McDeez nuts!''
Emperor by nao was annoyed and hangry . He beet up Gloves and put HIM in the Happy meal costume and went inside. "We have a uniform reddy. Here.:" Ronald McDonald gave him a hat and apron and shirt. 'We are closing soon so why don't you go home" 
Emperor's stomach rumbled loud and caused an erthquake.
'Here is a frree burgerq! Hav a good evening and c u tmoreow."" 
As for Half Rim he never came back with the milk.

Emperor Works at McDonald'sWhere stories live. Discover now