Tweek x fem!reader

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You were slowly walking towards the school to try to find Craig and his 'gang' (that's what he called them) since it was there week to hang with you, you couldn't believe that Stan and Craig's friend were really arguing over who gets to spend most of there time with you. You were so deep in your thoughts you didn't realise that someone was in front of you, the both of you collided and ended up with you on the floor, he panicked and helped you up when you looked at him you were speechless. His eyes sparkled in the light, his messy but soft looking hair slowly blowing in the wind and his slightly pale skin tied him all together. He apologised and asked for directions to the school, you told him to follow you since you were heading there, that's when you realised hw was practically shirtless (other that his dark green jacket). This made you blush and realise that you made things 10x more awkward so you tried to ignore it.

It was completely silent between you two, so you tried to brake the silence by asking him questions. You asked him a few questions like if he was new and what brought him to South park, he responded in kind ways you also learnt new things about this boy, when when two finally reached the school he thanked you and headed in. You stood outside the school trying to process what just happend because you didn't believe in the 'love at first sight' saying, but you think you've found you Knight in shirtless armour "(Y/N)! Come here now!" It was Craig calling out to you.

                         *TIME SKIP*   

You sat down in class and listen to the teacher blabber on about something, the door opening caught your attention. It was that boy again you remembered everything about him and buried you head in your books to try and hide your red face but you managed to hear the teacher announce his name Tweek, he sat in between you and Craig, you spen most the lesson staring at him. When the be rang for lunch you rushed out to Clyde and Jimmy, things were going OK until Tweek sat in front of you at the lunch table, as soon as you made eye contact with him your face was darkerer that Cartman's red jacket.

After you regained the courage to look at him again you started to make small talk, suddenly the lights switched off and the speakers were spitting out peculiar sounds the boys looked uneasy like that know what it was, so you followed them until they stopped in front of this outline of a person they, started talking to it but you were to busy  looking at Tweek to listen until you were getting pulled by Clyde and then..                        *CRUNCH* you turned around and you watched as Jimmy's body fell to the floor they outlet you out the school and ran to the woods.The others were panicking about things like Jimmy and where Stan and the others were while you were talking to Tweek until this tall figure appeared behind him from the tree, you backed yourself to Token and Clyde as Tweek was forced to show you his real form. You saw the fluffy hoves and panicked and tried to run to Craig, you were grabbed by this 'figure' but flung out his arms by Craig as Token rushed you and Clyde to his car and he drove off, but the main thing you really worried about was Tweek, even if he was a demon.

              *REALLY BIG TIME SKIP*
You waited in the car as Token filled up the petrol and talked to Damien, suddenly you got a call from Craig. You informed the others about this and they drove to Stan's house, you feel the car swurve as he avoided a deer but hits Tweek instead. You rush over to make sure his ok, then peek through the door as one demon gets a chair broken over his head, Stan was getting strangled, soon the others are running away from Gregory as Tweek grabs and flies away with you. When you got closer he drops you down to Stan, you see the other two demons arguing as Tweek is pushing you and the others away, he suggests that you all went to a safe place. So you get taken to Stan's farm, but you decided to stay with Tweek, you meet up with Pip and then he takes you to the town's laundromat. You sat in the corner trying not to look at Tweek taking off his jacket.He notices this and walks around to you (leaving Pip watching the clothes spin around) and he told you not to worry about his demon friends and he pulls you into a hug at this point you're so flustered it's starting to smoke from you and without knowing anything he pulled you into a longlasting kiss, you felt like you were melting. Then he realised what he just did, it was so awkward just you two looking at each other. The silence between you and Tweek was broken due to Pip prancing around cheering that he kissed you, he trued to get Pip to calm down while you buried you face into your hands from embarrassment. He put his jacket back on once it was done drying, bit you start to worry about Stan and the others so Tweek takes you to them. They told you that they know how to get rid of the demons, they had already set almost everything up that just had to wait for the planchet that Craig had given you. They started to do the ritual as you stared to talk to Tweek about if you'd see him again, he told you that visiting was possible.

So as the other demons started to get pulled towards the pentagram on the ground you said your goodbyes to Tweek and kiss him agian before he walks over to the sign on the floor, suddenly it was silent you were still a bit upset to losing Tweek but the others were able to comfort you as you started to head home..

                    *2 weeks later*

You Stan, Craig and the others along with family members and other scattered friends were at Jimmy funeral,  you excuse yourself as you feel tears trying to trickle from your eyes so you fix yourself up. But before you could go back with the others you get hugged from the back, it was Tweek saying he was here for you and Jimmy's funeral so you went down to hell with him for a couple of hours. When he brings you back up he walks with you to your house you hug him as he heads back down.

That became a regular thing for you and Tweek until you actually made to be friends with Pip and Damien and eventually the other demons.

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