Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It’s been three weeks since I’ve gotten here. Although I still don’t want to be here; I’ve become quite good friends with Selene and Bobbie with the exception of Gavril. Ever since the night he dragged me away from Bobbie he’s been keeping his distance from me and I’m thank full that he has. I don’t even understand why he made such a big deal over me talking to him. All we were doing was talking. If I didn’t know better I would almost say he looked jealous. But he couldn’t be he thought I was just a little toy he could have wrapped around his pale little finger.

 He had really scared me that night; he brought up memories that I had kept hidden for so long only to resurface again. When he was touching me it was so hard to resist the temptation of him creasing the length of my body, I told myself over and over to not give in to him but I couldn’t help it. He made my body feel the need to only want more of him and my mind repulsed itself for it.

It had felt so good, until he had touched the one thing that would break me completely. It was like I could see and feel my nightmare coming to life and replaying in my mind. The night was pitching black only lit by a street light towards the end of the deserted sidewalk. My older brother and I were finishing up shopping for our parent’s charismas presents. The next thing I knew there were men surrounding us, who now that I remember back to it, looked like the same deathly pale as Gavril and everyone else here. They started asking my brother these odd questions about some job he had to complete and if he didn’t complete it in the next week they would have to take away another loved one. Even thinking about it now gave me the hebegebes.

There was a loud noise that startled me out of my trance down memory lane. I slid out of bed and exited the room.

I followed the sound as it led me to the kitchen. There I found Selene standing in front of the stove. She chocked her head around sending a smile my way before I even made it all the way to the kitchen.

“Hi Selene” I say as I send my own smile back to her.

“How are you doing sweetie?”

“I’m doing alright.” I lie looking down at my hands tangled together as I take a seat at the bar that’s faced behind her. “You?” I asked back.

“I’m doing well.” She said.

 She turned to look at me while flipping a pancake threw the air and back in the pan. “I hope you like pancakes; I figured you’ve had enough take out to last you a life time and wanted some real food.”

“Although I can’t even remember the last time I cooked it’s been so long.” She said looking down sadly at the pan sitting on the blazing warm stove.

I watched her as she stood with her back towards me staking the mountain of pancakes on a plate before turning to me with the plate in her hands centered directly in front of her. I gave her a curious look letting one of my eyebrows go up in question when she quickly put the plate in front of me and moved away with her special vampire speed so that she stood with her back to me once again.

“Selene, what’s wrong?” I ask drowning out the e at the end of her name.

“Nothing” She responded a little too quickly. She began to fidget with her shirt stealthily before turning back my way. Her cheeks reddened as she placed her hands in front of her shirt.

Another smiled found its way on my face realizing Selene was trying to hide her messy shirt that was covered in flour and other unknown ingredients.

“Selene it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”I told her unable to remove my smile. “If it makes you feel better I can’t cook without setting the house on fire.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2011 ⏰

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