Don't try at home

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When Charlie believe what I had told him it field me with happiness one because I was talking to this super hot boy and two because he believed me and now I have a way of actually talking to him with out him knowing who I actually was. A couple day later and we hadn't talked anymore but I was sad because we hadn't talked and because the lesson I was in was so fucking boring so I messaged him and I said,
'hey are we still friends we haven't spokes in a long time'.
about 10 minutes later he replied and I well just sunk into my seat I just wanted to die right there in class because he put back
'who actually are you because I sitting next to the person you said you where and they haven't changed there number'.
what the fuck do I reply to that I was so scared at this point that yet again I went into a stage of not thinking and I said,
'well it's a long story I'm sorry I lied to you'.
He kept asking me who I was and I didn't know what to say. About 10 minutes later he messaged me again saying
'So are you gonna tell me who you are'.
In the end I told him that my name was jack and that I was a girl that had been shown his photo by "her" cousin and had a huge crush on him and surprisingly he actually believed me and he was fine about it but it's here when it all begin. Me and Charlie talked talked all day about everything and it got to around 10pm and we where still talking them he asked me about what my body looked like and at first I said
"I'm not sending you nudes if that's what your asking" and he said why and I didn't know what to say and I know I never know what to say but I said because I've got self harm scars over my body which isn't a lie I do on my arms but he just kept asking me what my body looked like and I didn't want him to find out who I was so I had a really crazy thought so I looked up naked girls on the internet and sent them to him he said I had a really nice body and asked for more but I said only if you send me pics and he did and we did this for about 3 days until I got scared and blocked him.

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