The meeting

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the outfits above are the reader's, left for feminine right for masculine. But you can choose🖤 _GracieWrites_ it's starting :)


'It's cold...very cold...I don't know where I am. But I'm scared. Its so dark....' Y/n looked around, the wet grass flattening under their feet They had gotten seperated from their big brother, Eli. Yes, Y/n is indeed the younger (brother/sister/sibling) of Eli Pepperjack. They always believed his theories and loved to try and track down creatures and aliens with him. He always had a rope wrapped around their waists to keep them from getting seperated, but this time Eli decided to try without the rope for once. Neither of them expected to stumble upon what Eli called a "creeper", let alone an entire nest of the things! They had accidentally gone seperate ways, and Eli didn't realize till it was too late. They had both gone far from the nest and it would be insane to go back. Walking through the forest they didn't realize they were being watched. Glancing around a shiver went down their spine. (1st person now) Looking around I swallowed, hugging myself out of fear. Eventually working up the courage I spoke " Wh-Whos there?..." There was silence, before a chuff sounded from the shadows left of me. Quickly turning my head in said direction I saw a glowing blue eye. Though only one. Swallowing once more I slowly made my way towards it, only to stop when it disappeared. I froze, as it quickly came back...but this time with a body.... Staring up I shook in place, hugging myself tigher. This looked oddly like one of those creepers big brother mentioned, the ones with stone for skin. I stared in awe yet fear at the same time. The thing- er- creeper learned down, tilting its head whilst doing so. "A fleshbag child?..." I blinked in confusion. They can talk? Brother never mentioned that.. "U-Uhm, please don't hurt me..." I mumbled, quickly covering my head expecting to be grabbed. There was silence, then a grunt. I was quickly scooped up and held against something, I looked up only to realize the- er- they? were holding me. They soon started moving, pressing me against them as to not drop me. "....." There was a long silence before I spoke up "What's your name?" They coughed "What?" "I said what's your name," they glanced down. "...Im Gunmar," I smiled "Well my name is Y/n! Nice to meet you Gunmar!" He huffed, continuing to walk. "Why are you out here anyway, fle- Y/n?" he asked, glancing at you before looking forward again. You looked down "Me and my big brother Eli stumbled upon what I like to call goblins. We ran away but accidentally ran se-sep-...seperate ways! I got lost and, well, here I am, " He glanced at you, a conflicted look taking over his face. After a few minutes he spoke "You can stay with me for a bit if you wish," You looked up at him, smiling brightly "Really?!" he nodded, yawning you hugged his arm "Thank you, now good *yawn* night..." He looked down at you as you quickly fell asleep.
He had a feeling this was going to cause a large   change to happen in the future...

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