Part 6: The Phone Calls

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Ricky and EJ both looked at each other questioning whether they should answer their phones or not. They both decided not to answer their phones as they assumed it was just a butt dial call. They arrived back at their apartment, when their phones continued to ring again.

"Hey babe, Nini is calling me for some reason? I'm going to take it in the bedroom." Ricky says to EJ.

"Yeah, Ash keeps calling me too. I'm going to answer it out here in the living room." EJ says back.

The two boys answer their calls wondering what their friends wanted.

Ricky's POV

"Hey Nini, long time no see"

"Yeah, it's been a while! You got a second to talk? There's something I wanna ask you"

"Yea, I'm free. What's up?" Why did Nini want to ask me something? We haven't really talked since my wedding...

"So I know that we haven't really talked since your and EJ's wedding, I'm sorry for that. My life has been super crazy, which is why I wanted to talk to you.."

"Is everything okay, Nenez?"

"Yeah! Actually better than okay. I actually just got picked up for a RECORD DEAL!!!"

Nini starts screaming on the other line, I feel like my ears are going to explode! "OH MY GOD Nini! That is so great! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you Ricky! I really appreciate it."

"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Actually... My producer wants me to write a whole new album, but I can't do it by myself. Which is why I was wondering if you wanted to come to LA and co-write the album with me? I know it's a big ask and you and EJ are doing so well, he can come along too! But I just thought I would have a friend by my side and one that I could write amazing songs with. So Rick, what do you say?"

I was speechless. I couldn't believe it.. Of all people, Nini wanted to write an album with me? I mean there are so many other talented artists in LA, so why me?

"Uhm that sounds amazing Nini, I would love to do it! But I have to talk with EJ first and make sure that we both can do it."

"Yes, of course take all the time you need, but not too long. It would be for about a year or so that we can have everything set in stone and what not. Just call me whenever you make your decision!"

"Thanks Nini, I will. Talk soon!"

Am I going to LA?


"Hey Ash! How have you been?"

"Hey Eej! I'm doing great, how are things with you and Ricky?"

"Amazing as always" Even though we have been stuck in this repetitive lifestyle.

"Everything okay, Ash?"

"Does something have to be bad to call my favorite cousin?"

"Well, I am your only cousin and no, we just haven't talked in a while so I was just worried."

"Yeah, sorry about that Eej. I know we live in the same city and all, but life has been crazy. Good crazy."

"That's great to hear Ash! We need to get lunch soon or something"

"Forsure! But there is something I wanted to ask you?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"So, I am starting my own show on Broadway. Carlos and Gina are choreographing it and Seb is writing original music and I was wondering if you want to star in it with me.

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