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Jo had somehow managed to sweet talk a receptionist into getting Maddie in to see the doctor early on Monday morning before any other patients arrived and it turned out that she did just have a sprain. A day or two on crutches and she should be fine according to the doctor. All that might change though when Jo saw what Maddie had done with her hair. She'd probably freak out about her getting it cut rather than just the colour change they'd discussed, but Maddie didn't care. The hairdresser had thought Maddie had been through a particularly bad breakup because she wanted such a drastic change, and Maddie had let her believe it. It was kind of true. Maddie also thought she'd felt sorry for her being on crutches, because when she'd gone to pay, the hairdresser had told her the foils were on the house. Regardless of what Jo thought, Maddie felt a lot less like the girl everyone thought they knew and a lot more like she used to be.

Since she had half an hour to kill before she had to meet Jo at the post office, Maddie decided to call into the bakery to see if they had any more of those delicious and dangerous cream buns she'd discovered yesterday.

The bell on the door tinkled Maddie's arrival as she opened it and the smell of fresh bread and sugar engulfed her as she pushed her way in. She was struggling to hold the door open with her shoulder as she manoeuvred her crutches up the single step into the shop when all of a sudden, the door was pulled back. Grateful for the help, Maddie muttered a thanks and when she looked up, she was surprised to see it was Tess. "Hi," Maddie said.

Tess took a moment to recognise her and when she did, she grinned broadly and replied, "Hey, Maddie. I like your hair."

"Thanks," Maddie replied, smiling in return.

"Short really suits you," Tess said. "What made you change it?"

Maddie followed Tess over to the counter. "I just felt like something different and decided to go back to my natural colour."

Tess nodded and said, "I've never been anything other than my natural colour."

"If I had your colour, I don't think I'd change it either," Maddie said. Tess had a nice shade of dark blond with what Maddie assumed were natural sun-bleached streaks. Probably from being outside a lot, judging from the limited amount Maddie knew about her.

Tess touched her hair and made a face. "Really?"

Maddie shrugged. "Yeah. That was the look I thought I was getting when I went blond but it didn't turn out that way."

"Well, not that I didn't like it before, but I prefer the new look."

"Thanks." The fact that someone liked her new look might make Maddie feel better when Jo said she hated it. She shifted her weight forward to get a better look at the display cabinet. Before she could catch herself, the left crutch slipped out from under her arm on the tiles and she stumbled sideways. 

Tess rushed from behind the counter and caught her. Again. "Careful," Tess said, picking up the fallen crutch and handing it to Maddie.

"Thanks. I'm still getting used to them," Maddie replied. 

"They take a bit of getting used to but you'll be right. Just stay away from stairs."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"No plaster," Tess said. "No break?"

"Just a sprain. The doctor said to stay off it for a few days and I should be okay."

Tess nodded. The way she looked at Maddie, a small smile on her lips, made Maddie's stomach flutter. Maddie looked away and made a point of scanning the display cabinet. 

Tess walked back around behind the counter and asked, "What can I get you?"

"Do you have any of those cream buns?" Maddie couldn't see any in the cabinet.

"Sorry. Just sold the last one. The next lot won't be ready for an hour or so. I'm the only one here until Mrs Brannigan gets back."


"What about a cream donut? Same thing except more sugar," Tess suggested.

"Like I need more sugar," Maddie replied, trying to decide if there was anything else she felt like. She hadn't thought past the cream bun.

"Like you don't," Tess said.

Maddie looked up. "What makes you say that?"

Tess shrugged. "You just don't look like you eat much sugar at all."

Maddie cocked her head.

"I mean, you just look too fit to eat too much junk food," Tess said.

Was Tess flirting? Maddie couldn't be sure. It had been a while since she'd been flirted with, but the thought that Tess might be flirting made her arms tingle. Or it could just be the loss of blood flow from leaning on her crutches. "I eat junk food," Maddie countered. "I'm just not supposed to eat it all the time."

"You're not one of those girls who are always on a diet?" Tess asked. 

"You don't diet?" Maddie asked.

"My diet consists of anything I feel like eating," Tess said.

Maddie felt a little defensive and replied, "Well, some of us just try to eat well. Most of the time anyway."

"Except for cream buns," Tess said, raising her eyebrow.

Maddie relaxed. "Anything sweet really, but cream buns are my kryptonite."

"You probably shouldn't say that too loud," Tess whispered from behind her hand, looking around the shop.

Maddie leaned in and whispered back, "Why not?"

"Because once someone knows your weakness, it's easy for them to take advantage." Tess smiled. 

Definitely flirting, Maddie thought. Two can play at that game. "Too bad you've got none left then," Maddie replied.

Tess laughed. Before Maddie could say anything else, the door bell tinkled. 

"Sorry I took so long, Tess," said the woman who entered. She was wearing an over sized straw hat and was carrying an armful of bags. Tess hurried over to help her and the woman swept her hat off her head, letting loose a mop of grey curls and strode around behind the counter. "Oh," she said, noticing Maddie for the first time. "Hello." 

"Mrs Brannigan, this is Maddie," Tess said, placing the bags on the back counter. "She's staying up at the McGregor's."

"Hi," Maddie said. 

"Maddie's a fan of your cream buns," Tess said. 

"Is that so?" 

Maddie nodded.

"We should have some more out shortly," Mrs Brannigan said. She turned to Tess. "I'll just drop this stuff in the office and be out so you can get back to the buns. Nice to meet you, Maddie." She rushed into the back and out of sight.

"Do you want to wait?" Tess asked. "They shouldn't be too long."

Maddie checked her watch. "It's okay. I have to meet Jo anyway." She turned to leave and Tess walked around the counter and held the door open for her. Maddie safely negotiated the one step down onto the footpath and steadied herself. 

"We'll be starting the festival preparations tomorrow," Tess said, leaning on the door. "If you're up for it, you're welcome to come over."

"I haven't got any plans," Maddie replied. "But I should probably check with Jo." 

"Okay," Tess said. "See you later."

"See you," Maddie smiled. She turned and hobbled off in the direction of the post office. She was still struggling to get used to the crutches and had managed to make it a few metres without falling over when she stumbled.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Tess called. "Just in case you need me to catch you if you fall?"

Maddie stopped and turned and poked out her tongue. Tess waved and went back inside. Maddie couldn't help but smile.

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