Chapter 39

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Hey all!!!

I know it's been a while but hopefully I can get this book done by the end of the month. That's roughly 5 chapters so let's all keep our fingers crossed I can maintain a healthy mind and lifestyle, at least until this book is finished lol!! 😂
Here's a short chapter, to at least be a filler for the next chapter which has a lot going on. I didn't want to jam pack too much into this chapter so the the next one can be more... hmm... good? Idk 😂🤪

ANYWHOOOOOO.... Enjoy this chapter lol.

Over an hour has passed and I am stuck in an old apothecary with Eros and dozens of fairies in hopes of getting these wings to disappear.
They're quite tricky... I forget how large they are and I slam them into the door frame each time I walk through one...

"Ooh!! I've got a cure!!"a small fairy exclaimed, "thickle-berry and thorn-of-eye."

What the hell are those... I'd almost rather turn into a bird...

Eros looks at the fairy, "give it a shot. The cute I found didn't do jack shit. We will try almost anything." He says as he runs his hands through his hair in frustration. He looks back at me in an almost saddened and defeated manner... that's odd...

The fairy brings over her attempt at a cure, and had me lift my tongue. She placed the smashed berry and odd looking herb underneath my tongue, then told me to set my tongue back down and let it dissolve.
"Don't be alarmed if it feels like those popping candies, Our Lady, that's totally normal and indicates that it's all working. But please not it may take a few minutes to work." The small fairy smiled as she dusted of her hands on her tool dress.

"Our Lady?" I questioned the best I could while keeping my tongue down.

The fairy looked confused before apologizing, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't sure which title you preferred. Is Alpha Rio, Queen of Fire better?" She smiles softly, her hands folded.

"You can just call me Rio." I giggle softly, thinking that such titles are a bit too proper.

Eros watched me carefully, I could see him in the corner of my eyes. "Are they gone yet?"

"My wings?" I question, looking back at the full black feathered wings attached to my back. Then I glance back at him with a confused look, as I over hear the fae in the background whispering among themselves.

"He must not be her true mate."

"He's lying?! They're not mated"

"Do you think she knows the truth?"

Vixen starts getting riled up, feeling itchy and in need to run as she hears what's being said about Eros.

I can't help but question everything in this moment.

He can't see my wings... but Killian can... that just has to be a coincidence. Killian has demon blood in him, as do I unlike Eros. That has to be why.

I need to stop overthinking.

"Yeah, I can't see them." Eros says as he runs his hands through his hair anxiously.

As he spoke, my wings started retracting. Painfully.

I hunch over and groan as my back feels as if the skin is being shredded to bits. My back, burning like acid was poured into it.

Eros runs to my side and holds my hands, telling me to squeeze them until the pain fades. But his touch only made it worse.

Why is it getting worse?

I start screaming in agony as tears fall down my cheeks.

"What's going on?" Killians silky voice erupts in the room as I smell his cologne and signature scent that immediately allows me to breathe better.

"Her wings my lord, they're retracting but not without causing pain that we weren't able to prevent. No herbs would be able to numb her pain, it's just part of the process. Unfortunately." One of the fae says to my mate softly, as if feeling uneasy watching me.

"Shit." Killian sighs as he bends down in front of me and grabs my hands softly, "baby, it's okay. Look at me with those gorgeous eyes."

I start to whimper as the burning continues, but hearing his voice, feeling his touch gives me some sort of relief that I was craving to help take away the pain.

"Come on baby, let me see your eyes." Killian says to me as I slowly look at him. "That's my girl. Let's take some deep breaths okay?"

"Mmhm." I groan, waves of pain surging through my back and shoulders.

"Breathe in. Very good, and now, breathe out slowly."

Killian continued to help me with breathing exercises until the pain was gone completely and the wings were nonexistent. Besides two scars under my shoulder blades that is.

"Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Killian whispers to me as I lean into him for comfort and safety.

"Are they gone?" Eros spoke up.

I almost forgot he was even here...

Killian looked up at me then over at his friend, "yeah, have been for almost a minute."

"That's good." Eros says awkwardly with his hands in his pockets as he watches Killian and I. "How did it go with Addox?"

"He's in the dungeon." Killian says with a smile. "I spared his life like I said I would, but that didn't mean I'd let him off the hook." His eyes flashed red while a small smile spread across his handsome face.
It was clear he enjoyed watching Addox suffer.

I can't blame him though.... After everything Addox has put not only myself through, but Jasmine as well... he deserves to rot in a dirty cell.

He can quite literally, burn in hell.

Alpha Rio Queen of FireWhere stories live. Discover now