Chapter 44

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Hey all!!


But uh... yeah. This is the last chapter!!!!!!!

Please enjoy and give a follow for the next book!!
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I'd say enjoy but... yeah... get the tissues ready instead. 🥲

Instinctively, I gasp as I cover my face with my hands. "Killian." I whisper, my eyes watering.

He smiles brightly, "the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were my destiny. My forever.  So waiting for you was worth the ache of being away for so long because I knew that one day I would finally have the pleasure of calling you mine." He breathes shakily, placing my hands in his as his eyes look into mine.
"And I hope that I can make every single day better than the last, because you make me aspire to live life to the fullest, and to embrace the journey we're on. And I was never like this before you. I dreaded waking up, but now it's all I look forward to because I know I'll have you by my side. And that makes me the luckiest man in the world. So, Catriona, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I didn't even say a word, I simply jumped into his arms, shaking my head yes as tears fell from my eyes faster than the speed of light.
Vixen is jumping with pure joy, as I am too.

"May I put the ring on baby?" Killian laughs with excitement in his eyes as I then give him my hand.

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful!" I screech as I take in the beauty of the ring. It's a black diamond with silver diamond moons on either side, with diamonds wrapping around the band.

"I'm glad you like it, you'll be wearing it for an eternity." He laughs, picking me up in his arms, spinning me.

"One more thing." He says, setting me down.

"Congratulations my darling sweet girl!"

"Oh my gosh, mom! Dad!" I exclaim as I see my parents sneak out from behind a giant plant.
I run to them, embracing them in a big hug as I tell them how much I've missed them, and love them dearly. And of course, showing off the ring.

"He did good!" My mom shrieks, taking my hand to look at my new forever price of jewelry.

My dad walks over to Killian and pats his back, "welcome to the family, officially." He laughs.

"Can I call you dad now?"

"No. Never. Besides, you're centuries older than me so.. double no." He shakes his head with a smile.

Blushing, I watch my mate interact with my dad.
I start to imagine our future, get togethers at my parents. Killian and I coming over with our two kids and one on the way. The bonfires and and big fancy dinners just because we're visiting.

Killian looks at me, and I can tell he was reading my mind as he smiled and worded "one day soon" glancing down at my belly and looking back up in to my eyes with a smile.


Was he insinuating that I'm... no. I would know.


Yeah no, I would definitely know if I was. Like who doesn't know they're pregnant?

"So many people. Your mom for example when she was carrying not one, but three babies." Vixen points out.

I start conversing with Vixen about this whole pregnancy thing, and I agree that I need to step away to take a pregnancy test whenever I get a chance.
I've never missed a period but I'm also due for mine to arrive in less than a week so I don't know.

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