Chapter 2 - Attempts

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"Guys, how bout we do bad tricks to Debbie and act as if Seth were the one who did it. Then, she would be really pissed off and wouldn't like Seth anymore, and eventually Seth would give up hope on her and continue to remain gay brothers with us! Should we try it?" Ryan came up with an idea and immediately spouted it out on that day we were in the hideout, discussing about plans to stop Seth from loving Debbie. "Sounds like a great plan, no wonder you weren't called the genius for no reasons." we all loudly proclaimed. David asked "But what exactly are those tricks we should use to stop him from liking her?" "Good question my dear brother, I got a plan guys, not to worry, this would be epic!" I told them without a shed of anxiety. Then I softly told them the tricks we are going to use, and further discussing about our decisions before finalising what we should do.

The next day, we got all the tools and things we need to do all our dirty work. We already even set up a map. *flashbacks to yesterday evening in the hut* "Look, I've heard from some people Debbie hates eggs, and hate them a lot. So how bout we throw rotten eggs at her. But we must be careful that we are not watched. And make sure we must lure Seth and standby, got it?" I asked. "Yeah!" the other 3 exclaimed. *goes back to present* "Okay, so we are going to lure Seth to near the library, where Debbie usually goes to during break time to read. At about 9.50am, when she's about to leave, we will throw the eggs at her. Then, she would blame Seth for doing that while Seth quietly said nothing since he's embarrassed. Aye? Good plan? Good plan, let's move out." as I spoke my final words before we carried out our plans.

Ryan and David prepared to splash Debbie with a bucket of "yellow shit". While Darren and I went to ask Seth to follow us as we going to show him something cool. "He's going right into our trap. This HAS to work!" I enthusiastically thought in my mind. "Just a bit more..." I said to Seth as I could feel the tension rising. It was 9:49:45, approximately 15 seconds away before Debbie's "doom". We walked straight to the rendezvous - outside the library. Ryan and David could see Debbie through the window, about to walk out. "Beep", Ryan's watch alarm went off. That marks the time for Debbie's fate. With high accuracy, Ryan and David splashed at Debbie at point-blank range the rotten eggs and immediately ran off. Fortunately, Debbie didn't see Ryan and David did it. During that time, we managed to made Seth reach to the library and take the rap. After that, we ran as hard as our legs could carry us to escape and hide in a corner to see the aftermath of what we had done. "It's so thrilling and exciting!" Darren ecstatically whispered. As we watched cautiously whether our strats would go according to plan...

Seth found out Debbie was covered in rotten eggs from head to toe. Despite being shy and embarrassed, he asked whether Debbie was alright and she furiously replied while trying to get rid of the egg from herself at the same time "Yes Seth, thank you for your care, don't know which stupid buffoons did this cruel act but they are so going to pay!" Seth handed a tissue to Debbie and said it's for her to wipe the egg off her. Debbie gratefully said "Thanks, I owe you one. See you soon, I'm going to the washroom to get rid of this stinking egg off me." As Seth starred at Debbie when she leaves casually. From our perspectives, we saw Seth talking to Debbie, then handing her tissue to wipe the egg off her. Then Debbie smiled and told him something before going off. After that we could see Seth's entire face being red. At first, we were all thinking : Did it work? We rushed towards Seth, saying what happened, trying to avoid what we have done. However, we only saw Seth chuckled with his entire face red, blushing immensely and then running off jubilantly. Looking at his behaviour, we could already tell our plan didn't work but instead, it helped Seth to have better friendship connections with Debbie, and the worst part that had yet to come is, formation of love! We had to do something if not this would really get out of hand and our once almighty 5 man group would be a mere nothing 4 man clique. With that, we went back to our hideout to further discuss plans on how to stop Seth from loving Debbie.

"Darn it, it didn't work. It helped to strengthen their relationships instead!" Darren whined with a frustrated tone. We all heaved a sigh, thinking extremely hard what exactly would work, we got to make sure it would not backfire again, if not, it would become even worse. After much consideration, we got the perfect solution, and this one definitely had a higher chance of succeeding. "So here's the plan, after break, we will take Debbie's wallet from her table and place it on Seth's table without them knowing. Then, Debbie would realise that her wallet went missing. After that, she would notice her wallet is on Seth's table and would accuse and flame at him. Sounds like a good plan?" I announced to our gang. "Yes, this should work! Why didn't get we thought about this earlier?" the other three shouted. We planned further ahead before finalising our plan and taking action the next day.

The next day, 3 min before end of break, we prepared to set up for the great "robbery". We looked around seeing whether people were around before doing our dirty work. "Okay, so here when she comes and put down her wallet on her wallet on her table, when she's not seeing, we will pass her table casually, while secretly stealing her wallet. Then, we put her wallet on Seth's table. Try to avoid suspicion, alright? One of us go and steal her wallet while the other three of us go and standby to check if anyone is watching. Try your best to block or distract then from finding out our main objective. Smokescreen deployed. Let's move out." I ordered them. With that, we got started with our work.

Debbie came in to the class alas. She settled down on her seat and placed her wallet on her table. Then, she turned around to dig out something from her bag. Meanwhile... "Guys, check it out! Mr Wilson Watchman's sweating again, and he is sweating in his... c***ch. What's more, was that he is sweating A LOTTTT today. Feast yourselves guys!" Darren, David and I shouted to distract the class. While doing so, Ryan took a quick glance, checking if anyone is seeing, before doing his job. With quick movements, Ryan casually walked pass-by, faking he was looking outside, and taking it as he walked by. But an unfortunate accident happened...

"Hey you, what are doing trying to take my wallet?" Debbie angrily asked Ryan as he attempted to take Debbie's wallet. "Nothing, I just accidentally hit your wallet when looking outside when they said Mr Wilson Watchman's here. Chillax, my apologies." Ryan said it in a surprised tone. "Tsk!" Debbie replied strictly. Ryan then left unsatisfied. The other three of us saw and shook our heads in disbelief.

After school, we went to our hideout to discuss about our failure that day. "This is just unbelievable, two attempts, both failed. All our handwork and efforts were all in vain! Just preposterous!" Darren, Ryan and David said in frustration. From their expression, I could clearly see they lost hope in trying to stop Seth and was on the verge of giving up, but we could not let this go out of hand, could we. "Even so, we must still try our best to stop him, no matter what it takes. Failure is just an everyday thing, who never failed before. What truly matters is we must learn from our mistakes and improve on our methods so we could successfully break their relationships, you hear me? So don't give the hell up!" I screamed at them, trying to persuade and convince them. "He's right. We can't give up so easily, if so, people might think we are cowards, not brave nor resilient. We must show them what we've got!" Ryan said confidently. "I agree and approve. Let's do this!" Darren replied. "Yeah!" David said excitedly. With that, we were more motivated and confident to stop this from happening. Attempts were made but now, it's the time where things get real.

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