the day to remember

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"his eyes...the eyes i continue to let myself get lost in instead of paying attention to class. the voice pf such an angel making my ears ring every-time i hear it. i've been told about him before..not to the extent of full description of any detail to where i could physically picture something, wasn't needed anymore" Persephone thought to herself as she looked up at the myth himself, the hybrid all of her friends had warned her to stay away from if they were to ever meet "hello darling... cat got your tongue?" he spoke as he walked up to her and then suddenly, her eyes fluttered open.

"fuck. it was just a dream" Persephone groaned and fell back against her pillow, this mystery man continued to show up in her dreams and she didn't appreciate it. Especially because she felt as if at some point in her life she's already met him, which seemed to bother her even more. Yet she didn't even know the surroundings of the place they were, nor did it even look familiar. "That's enough thinking for the day, my heads hurting" she joked to herself before standing up and stretching, her cropped tank top reaching up above her belly button letting the slightly cold air press against her slight bulged stomach. Like most stories start, Persephone was on the way to her first day at her new school which she wasn't necessarily excited for. She hated people, and she hated meeting new people even more. She was never a very social person and that was shown in the way she spoke and communicated with people she didn't know or didn't want to know.

"hey idiot, it's time to get up" she spoke to her younger brother as she knocked on his door on her way down the stairs, she made sure to do it right before going past his room so she could easily make it to the bathroom before him. She fast walked to the bathroom and quickly shut the door before her brother could even attempt to push it back open. Hearing him cuss under his breathe she laughed in complete satisfaction. Looking into the mirror, her jet black hair reflected, the light from the bathroom lights reflecting off her hair. Her bright green eyes staring back at her features just as she did.

Persephone did everything needed to make herself look halfway presentable and casual, wearing a ripped up skirt and a school appropriate shirt so she didn't get in trouble. Even though the way she dressed didn't make it aware, she loved bright clothing and everything she owned was mostly bright colored except for her shoes which she liked to keep neutral. She moved her way out of her room and down the stairs, her eyes meeting with her brothers before speaking "i'm going to leave now, don't die and don't set the house on fire" she sarcastically spoke before closing the door behind her and walking to school. While on the way to school, and while walking she thought about the dream in question. Why was some random person showing up in her dreams? and why did she believe she knew him, and why did he look so familiar? we're only a few of the questions popping into her head before she reached the top step of the school stairs. Sighing she walked up them and inside, embracing her new life and deciding to stay positive as best as she could.

She walked inside, sighing once more before looking down at the piece of paper for her locker. Carefully walking through the crowd of people, she eventually ended up finding it. Seeing a crowd of people surrounding her lockers and the surrounding lockers, she kept walking till she got in front of the group and then cleared her throat. Everyone in the crowd turning to look at her "oh my gosh, i'm super sorry let me move out of your way" a gentle sounding blonde spoke and moved herself over next to a brunette who seemed to have something bugging her "oh no worries, mistakes happen" Persephone spoke giving the girl a soft smile, she thought to herself "she seems nice, maybe this school won't be too too horrible" she felt a little relieved but kept her guard up in case. After a few minutes, two tall men came and joined the group as well. a dark haired man and a slightly lighter haired man, one with dark blue eyes and the other with hazel. both seemingly young but gave an old vibe to themselves. Not wanting to budge into the conversation Persephone closed her locker and attempted to walk away before hearing the same soft voice of the blonde girl speak

"You're either new here or hide under a rock, so i'm gonna say you're new. Hello, I'm Caroline" the charismatic girl spoke. Persephone stopped in her tracks and turned toward her smiling "Ah yes, i am new. Hello, my names Persephone but you can call me Seph if we plan to be acquaintances" Persephone spoke formally. She could tell the others were about to introduce themselves as well, but then the bell rang. "oops time to go to class, it was great meeting you Seph!!" Caroline smiled and walked to her class, her group following behind her then scattering as they walked down the corridor. Persephone had History first so she followed behind one of the men and the brunette, walking into the class and sitting down directly in front of the girl. Hearing a whisper, she turned to see the brunette trying to get her attention "what's up?" Persephone spoke as the other began to speak "i didn't get to introduce myself earlier, I'm Elena" Elena spoke and smiled as well before the male cut her off a little "And I'm Stefen, it's great to meet you Persephone." a large and devious smile appeared on his face, she didn't like it too much so she choose to nod her head towards him

"this year is gonna be one for the books.." Persephone thought before turning around in her seat "now if only i could figure out who that man is.."


HELLO EVERYONE!! I know i know i keep switching between books but but i'm going to try and keep all my books updated from now on in hopes they'll become popular again!! anyway i hope everyone is having a lovely day/night

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