Come Home Soon (Sancedes)

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How do I even begin to explain you? As I sit here writing this I can't help but let my mind wander to the way your laugh sounds at six in the morning as I stumble over my shoes, late for work, so tired, but so happy. Did I mention your smile? That big toothy grin i'm awarded with everyday just for loving you. I'd like to think it's reserved for me. I hope I don't sound too cocky when I say I've never seen that smile unless it's when you're looking at me.

I miss you. I know I know! I sound soft, right? That's what you do to me and I hate it. i'm a pile of mush and it makes all our friends laugh. But in all seriousness, I really miss you. You've been on tour for three months but it feels like forever! I guess that's the price you pay when you have a super successful beautifully talented singer as your girlfriend! Rachel's probably jealous, you know, with her girlfriend being a boring lawyer and all (sorry, i'll try to be nicer)

You're probably wondering why I sent this as an email. I wanted to do that whole romantic love letter thing but you're always changing cities so fast so that was impossible. I could have done a text but that feels kinda basic, you deserve more. Maybe a phone call, sure, but I'd probably jumble all my words together and talk too fast cause you still make me feel like a nervous sixteen year old girl. An email felt more meaningful than a text but a little less romantic than a letter. I hope you like it.

I think I should close this cause i'm up way too late for someone who has to be awake at five in the morning for work and I know if you were here i'd be getting an earful about how i'm going to wear myself out without the right amount of sleep. You're right. You're always right.

Goodnight, babe. If you're reading this before you go on tomorrow night then I hope you have a great show, I know you'll be amazing. Maybe this makes me bias but I think you're the greatest. I love you. Come home-


"Ugh." Santana slammed her laptop closed and spun around in her desk chair. "What do you want, Tina?"

"You know for someone who asked me to stay a few days with them cause they were lonely you could be a lot nicer." Santana rolled her eyes. "What the hell are you doing up? And do you have to slam those keys so hard? Mike and I can't sleep!"

"One, I never said I was lonely. I just asked for some company for a little while-"

"Same thing." Tina interrupted.

"Two," Santana gritted her teeth. "I was helping Rachel construct an apology over her recent public outburst." This wasn't too far from the truth. Santana was previously typing an outline to send to Rachel who was crying for the third time this week about her career being over after she publicly got into an argument with a taxi driver.

Tina scoffed. "Please. Like you'd stay up til," She squinted at the clock on the wall. "...3:30 in the morning helping her. What were you really doing?"

Santana huffed and rose from her chair, moving towards the lamp in her office to flick it off. "I don't have to explain myself to you, Tina." Her back was turned to the other woman so she didn't notice Tina's body quickly approaching her laptop and lifting the screen.

"Has anyone ever told you you're kinda nosey?" Santana continued, putting some pens back into her drawer. "I mean-"

"Awwww, Santana!"

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