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Hey guys!!!Hi!!Helloooo!!Hope everyone's doing good...So,I know I'm super late and yeah I've also been missing in action for a year or more..Well,I have my reasons too...

But, one main reason is that I've stopped watching KKB for nearly 2 yrs now...Well,all because of our dear makers of the show....Ranbir,Prachi track was already boring and to make it even more worse we had Tanu come back into the show which made me hate the serial and of course,lockdown also played it's own role....So,I just couldn't bring myself to write and my brain also had stopped working,so no ideas of how to continue my stories..And added to it,I had my personal issues to solve which totally made me turn my back to Wattpad but now after seeing people still asking me to comeback and continue my stories coz they miss it,I feel I've done a huge mistake.....I know some have got really frustrated seeing my laziness and stopped reading my stories and yeah you're not to be blamed coz you made me realise the blunder I did...

And a big thanks to those who've been constantly messaging me,asking me about my health and encouraging me to write further...

So,here we go with the next update of this story....So,many of u wanted me to update this story..Hence,here it is...Let's get into the story now...Please refer to the last chapter if you can't catch up with the story line🤗🤗🤗


The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground .The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky....Abhi and Pragya were sitting in the terrace of her house.There was a swing placed,in which both Abhi and Pragya were sitting and staring at the orange sky...

The wind passing by ruffled Pragya's hair,making her close her eyes and remember her father ruffling her hair gently as she would snuggle into him,whenever she felt low or drowsy

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The wind passing by ruffled Pragya's hair,making her close her eyes and remember her father ruffling her hair gently as she would snuggle into him,whenever she felt low or drowsy.She got remembered of how her mother used to pat her head gently whenever she used to sleep in her lap....Her eyes slowly started watering,as she was hit by those beautiful memories.The fact that she would never be able to experience the same warmth and comfort from her parents pierced her heart.She closed her fist tightly, making her finger imprints on her palm....

Just then,suddenly a wave of relief washed over her whole self as she felt her hand being held by someone.She opened her eyes to see Abhi holding her hands.She looked up at him and then at their hands.He slowly held her hand and made her open her closed fist to reveal slight,red,moon shaped marks on her palm...

Abhi:"You're not supposed to do this Pragya.I know you're broken beyond repair,you've lost your parents and I know how it hurts to lose them.Life becomes soo terrible and it seems like everything comes to an end and sometimes people end their lives due to this." He said all these lines looking deep into her eyes,with a small smile and tearful eyes..Afterall,he was well known of the pain,the hell that one had to go through without having their parents.

Pragya just kept looking at him,to be precise,staring into his eyes as if being hypnotized by some magic...It was like she was trying to read his mind,reach his soul...And somewhere she felt even he was doing the same with her coz she was at peace,she felt that she was not alone anymore in this world after being with him..Well,she was not alone.She had Arjun and she also has Abhi and his lovable family now.She was snapped out of her thoughts when he heard a deep sigh..She saw Abhi rubbing off those tears from his eyes and that is when she understood why he said those words coz even he had lost his parents and also her one and only sister too.She slowly rubbed off her own tears and sat straight but not bothering to take her hands from his hold.

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