1. Where.

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I roll over to the other side of the bed feeling around for my love, Vincent James. All I felt was cold, rustled sheets on the palms of my fingers. I flutter my eyes awake open to the light coming in from the window. I stretch my arms and legs and kick the blankets off.

I tiptoe in the bathroom to see if my love was there hiding from me. Nope not there. I figured he was down stairs so I wash my face and putt some leggings and my favorite black boots and maroon sweater on and get ready for the day.

"Vincent?" I call out. I don't hear an answer. I call out his name once more but still no answer. Once again I call his name louder in return for an answer but nothing.

I pick up my pace a little and go down the stairs to where I think my love could be. He's not there. I find myself curiously looking around every corner.

I open the back door feeling a warm rush of air flow through and around my body sending chills down my spine.

"Vincent?" I call out once more. Still no answer was returned.

I walk back inside and shut the door behind me not even tracing a scent of him. I start walking over to my kitchen counter to grab my phone and I dial Vincent's number.

Straight to voicemail.

I start getting a little worried wondering where he could have gone. I then spot something lying on the ground. It was a piece of paper that must be from Vincent explaining where he is. I pick up the note and trace my eyes over the thin piece of tree held in my hands.

A tear drop sheds from my face on to the note leaving a wet spot on the paper. The paper immediately falls from my fingers on to the caramel colored hardwood floors beneath my feet. I suddenly feel like the gravity is increasing on my legs, creating them to tremble. I fall to the ground with my hands trembling.

The note said...

Ahaha cliff hanger. I hope you enjoy this so far. Please like and comment tips or something and comment what you think the note will say.

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