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Letting  go!

Abinaya kept thinking about the happenings of his life. She was at the same point where Anu stood. In a place where she has to choose between her love and eveything else.

"You should have chosen your love Anuradha! And you are nothing but a coward to not to fight for your love" Abinaya's own words echoed in her mind. It's irony that she is in the same situation and is doing the same thing she did, choosing something else than her love.

"Aren't you a coward now?" Abinaya can hear Anu's words in her head. Abinaya tried hard, to find a solution where she don't have to lose Akash, yet do what she wants but she failed to find one.

Akash won't stand with her when the truth comes out. He will stand with his family and she will be left alone. Derik? Can she trust him? No! Abinaya won't stand before him for help once again. He is a cheater and Abinaya is not ready to forgive him anytime soon. And he has a wife! A wife who belongs to one of the rich and reputated family even if she stand against them Abinaya don't stand a chance and she knew that well.

Her head pained with all the thoughts that revolved in her mind. She remembered the days she was living a carefree life under the love and care of her Anu! The days when all she has to do was to follow her passion and nothing else. Abinaya wanted to get those days back. But she knew that it is impossible and the sole reason is the people of this family. This house crashed her dreams down. This house forced her to take responsibilities she was not ready to face. People of this house changed her fate and this is her time to do so.

They stole their happy life and she will steel theirs. And Abinaya knew that's not that hard. A single truth form her mouth. A single piece of paper that stays hidden in her suitcase, is enough to spoil this families happiness! But was that enough? Abinaya closed her eyes, letting the pain consume her. The cries, the unshed tears eveything echoed in her mind.

'it's over Abinaya! See, i told you! I told you that this will end like this only. It' s Over. He married someone else. He is in love with her. He belongs to her Abi and I lost my chance!" painful words of Anuradha echoed in her mind.

" I begged and he didn't let me meet him. I held his legs Abinaya, I pleaded. But he looked at me as if I'm some filth. They never change Abainya. They never change Abinaya, their caste and religion is what matters the most to them. There richness, there prestige, there reputation, they won't let someone from low class enter there house" That was the last time Abi saw her cry and after two long years those words still ruling her heart.

How can she let these things go! They did unjuctice to Anu to bring Jennifer as there daughter-in-law. They spoiled Derik's life for a business deal. They deserve this. They all deserve this and Abainya don't want to let them walk away just like that.

But one thing that bothered her was, who was that one person who stopped Anu form meeting Daniel that day. That one person stole something from some one which he was not supposed to do and Abinaya don't forgive that person for that. She guessed that person to be Eric or Xavier D'silva. But she has to confirm to make her next move.

"Abainya" she heard a call and turned back. This time her mother-in-law stood there with a cold look which shivered her.

"Did you met your friend before she left the town?" Rosy D'silva spoke in a low voice with her sharp galre fixed on Abinaya. Abinaya had no idea about what she asked. But she nodded her head in positive.

"Good! But let this be the last time you do this. I don't want things like this to happen again" her tone was just cold.

"And Regarding Derik" she Paused to take a look at Abinaya's changing expressions.

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