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Rosè's POV

31st Intelligence Battalion

Big computers, coffee cups, big ass files and a messy desk. Yup that's my daily POV here in Intelligence Battalion as a Battalion Intelligence Officer for nearly five years. Stressful, challenging yet worth it. Intelligence officers are military personnel who are trained to observe threat levels, gain information through observing war zones and enemy lines, direct security operations and other activities that involve secret observational operations regarding threats to the military or country.

Five years huh?? Many things changed, especially her.

I'm busy working on my laptop when the signal red alert appeared. I immediately went to the main room to check what's happening.

"What's happening?" I asked to my junior Intel personnel "Give me the details." I said to her with a firm voice. 

"The White Tiger Special Squadron  Operations are in the mission to rescue an Australian reporter kidnapped by the terrorist but the problem is the exact location for the alleged way was blocked and they want to know what's the best way." My junior Intel said to me.

"The grid coordinates 0420 1923 674." She said

"What are the options." I asked 

"The first terrain is very open and visible very easy way to access to the next target of the mission and the next one is a very complicated terrain and they will gonna spent atleast 2 days of walking to the next target." My junior Intel said.

If they will gonna use the easiest terrain I'm sure the possibility is they will gonna ambush them by placing all snipers at the top of the mountain or worst thing possible,  it's an opportunity for open fire but if they will gonna use the complicated terrain even though they will spend two days it's the most safety option.

I'm sure Lisa knows this one and I'm sure she will gonna use to go to the complicated terrain rather than the easy one. 

"Okay I want you to give the signal and the grid coordinates give them the coordinates of the complicated terrain. Their safety is the most important thing." I said

"Copy Ma'am" My junior Intel said.

"They will reach the final target of the mission two days from now." She continued.

"Okay don't lose the signal and continue to update me." I said and went back to my office.

I loosen up my necktie for me to relax went to my swivel chair and close my eyes. I hope Lisa will be okay. I'm in my clouds of thoughts when someone suddenly knocks. I arranged my necktie and open the door. It's the commander of our battalion! I render my salute as a sign of respect and he eventually replied.

"1LT Park you'll be a part of a secret mission. Starting next month. Here are the details about the mission this is a CLASSIFIED case 1LT and I choose you because I know you are the best person to do this mission." He said to me and handed me a green folder with a "CLASSIFIED" word printed on it. After some instructions the commander exited my office.

I look at the folder and decided to look at the first page.

"Code Red: Mission Exodus"

I close the folder and put it on my desk. I get my coffee cup and look at the view in my office.

Code Red huh this will be deadly mission. Exciting.

Lisa's POV

Finally we are now here at the final target of the mission, rescuing an Australian reported kidnap by a terrorist for ransom. The Intelligence was really a great help in my five years of service in Special Forces I am the commanding officer in a Special Squad form by our mother unit White Tigers Special Forces Battalion my squad is responsible for deadly missions, combat missions and fighting guerilla groups.

Special forces and special operations forces (SOF) are military units trained to conduct special operations. Special Force is specially designated, organized, trained, and equipped forces, manned with selected personnel, using unconventional tactics, techniques, and modes of employment

"Team Leader Alpha what can you see from here?" We are using a device that helps us to communicate with in ourselves for the communication, commands and changes.

"Team Leader Alpha 0431 over, they are armed with high caliber pistols and guns. I can see the reporter she's guarded with two men and the other four are their look outs 12:00, 6:00, 3:00 and 4:00, and I saw the head of the terrorist he is in the tent, over." TLA said

"We will attack right now, proceed to night movement, over." I said

We immediately positioned ourselves for the attack. I take the lead and begin to assassinate one of the look out and my men follows.

Unfortunately one of the look out successfully fired a gun that makes the other terrorist in panic and ready for gun fights with their high caliber guns they immediately fired their guns on our way.

"Ready for open fire!" I commanded and loaded my gun with bullets. It's party time.

"Ready for the party Automatic  rifle man." I said in the transmitter device.

"Aye boss" he replied. The sniper will be the one who will finish the mission.

And the gun fight started each teams exchanges bullets. After thirty minutes the gun fires ended. I signal the squad to stop the fire. The result was only the terrorist leader and the reporter left.

"Stop right now! Or else!" I commanded and he immediately release a bullet and laugh after.

"Or else what?! You're going to kill me?? Well, I will kill her first!" He said while laughing and points the gun to the head of the reporter.

"What do you want?!" I asked

"Where's the money?! I'm getting more impatient here!" The leader said.

"I have the money! I'll give you the money and release the reporter." I said making a deal with him.

"I have trust issues." He said

"Me too." I replied

"Give it first to me and I release the reporter." He said. Not now bitch I'm tired of this.

"How about we both release in time." I said

"God damn it deal, give the money now." He said.

"One two, three."  I throw the suitcase to him and he didn't release the reporter yet.

I give my signal to the sniper to assassinate him. A loud gun fire echoed in the jungle. Bullseye, he choose the hard and the death way.

"Mission accomplished. Congrats guys." I said in the transmitter and called for reinforcements to go back to our mother unit.

"1LT Lalisa Manoban, commanding officer of White Tiger Special Squadron 032797 mission accomplished." I said

"1LT Chaeyoung Park, Intelligence Officer, over reinforcements are in their way to fetch you. Nice teamwork again 1LT Manoban." She said

"Can't wait to eat Thai foods after this." I said and smile.

"Your treat." She said, aaaahhh. Chaeyoungah!!!

"Okay okay you meanie!" I said and I can still hear her laughing.

"See you soon Lis." She said

"See you." I replied and turned off the transmitter.

Five years huh? Many things changed.

The rain drops starts to fall. Relaxing.

I look up to the sky and stare at the moon.

The moon....

Is lonely.....

Like me.

Hi!! Enjoy hehehehe

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