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3rd person

Hazel stares at her front door beyond confused by Yoongis action so she softly knocks while twisting the knob, trying to open the door. "Yoongi? Open the door." She confusedly says but all she hears were painful groans and horrible coughs on the other side of the door.

Worriedness begins to kick in as she knocks a little harder. "Yoongi, open the door. Why did you close it?" She worriedly ask him, trying to not panic. "You can't save me Haze." Yoongi weakly says as he stares at the blood on the palm of his hand that came out of his mouth.

He was running out of time.

Realization hits Hazel as she knows why Yoongi shut the door and the fear of losing him makes her panic. "Yoongi open the door!" She says loudly as her heartbeat quickens. Yoongi can feel fear kicking in meaning he can feel Hazel getting afraid.

He knows that she knows why.

He leans his back on the door as he slides down until he was on the floor, sitting down as his eyes look up at the ceiling.

"Yoongi open the god damn door!" She says as air was beginning to not help her breathe. "I'm sorry Haze." Yoongi weakly apologizes as he fights the urge of letting his eyes weld up with tears.

"Please open the door! Please open!" She pleads as she tries to break the door but she wasn't strong enough to do so. Hazel falls on her knees on the ground as tears begin to weld up in her eyes. "You can't leave me..." She painfully says but Yoongi doesn't say anything, his heart aching due to her words but simply staying quiet because he knows he will break if he speaks.

"Yoongi. You can't just come into my life, protect me, make me feel safe, become my home and leave me!" She whimpers out as her tears fall and stream down her face. She bangs on the door again. "So yoongi, open the god damn door, please let me save you!" She begs.

"We made a promise! That we will always stick together! So please open the door! We made a promise, you said I wouldn't lose you and you promised that you will not leave and stick with me! Don't break it and leave me!" She pleads as her hands begin to hurt due to the harsh poundings on the door but she doesn't dare stop until Yoongi opens the door.

"We said always so let me be with you Yoongi." She weakly pleads as she forces down the cries she wants to let out so badly. Yoongis eyes begin to blur knowing he will be breaking a promise that he so badly wishes to keep.

"I'm sorry my love." Yoongi whispers but Hazel was able to hear it which makes her stop her bangings. "The reason I didn't take your soul was because I broke a rule and that rule was to not fall in love with your creators but I did and I don't regret even when I knew I wasn't supposed too." Yoongi explains as a tear escapes his eyes and streams down his cheek. Hazel was speechless, taking in his words.

"P-Please don't go..." Hazel pleads as her tears didn't dare stop falling, they just continued to fall after hearing his confession. "You did well my love." Yoongi says with teary eyes and a proud smile. Hazel sniffles as a broken sob escapes her. "Yoongi... please stay with me." She weakly begs.

"I'm always here my love, parallel on the other side of the mirror, because I am you and you are me and I will always come back to my home where I feel the most safest at and that my love is you. You are my home." Yoongi says with a smile as more tears begin to fall from his eyes. "Yoongi..." Hazel sadly says.

"My heart, mind, and soul was never mine to begin with, when it was made for you." Yoongi whispers as he tries to not cry for Hazel to hear. This makes Hazels heart clench in pain, making her place a hand on her chest right above her heart as she physically feels it.

"Yoonie... If you love me, please don't let go. Hold on and stay with me, please." Hazel begs.

It was in that moment when Yoongi wanted to hold her, kiss her in his arms and take her away from harm, hearing the name he grew to love hearing was his weakness but all he can do is put his hand over his chest as suffocation takes over all over his body, coughing up more blood again and looks down at his stab wound and see more blood gushing out.

"I love you Hazel." Yoongi says with a sad smile as he looks up at the ceiling, his eyelids suddenly getting heavy. Hazels eyes widen. "No no no Yoongi!" She shouts as she bangs on the door again.

"Look behind you love." Yoongi weakly says as he feels himself fading away and she does what he says but her heart drops when she sees Jungkook releasing fireflies from a jar. Her vision blurs more and her head begins to hurt.

"Yoongi please." She softly pleads as she shuts her eyes tightly due to her head ache. "Look at the fireflies Haze." Yoongi lastly says as he closes his eyes, tears falling as he stars to fade away.

"Yoongi!" She yells but she cries harder as she couldn't hear his heavy breathing, only silence. "And I love you." Hazel weakly says as she doesn't force down her cries, letting them all out as she starts sobbing out loudly, covering her mouth to not scream.

Jungkook eyes fill up with tears as he slowly makes his way towards Hazel and embraces her while they both hurt in silence under the dark midnight sky while the fireflies fly away one by one.

The end of 'Amphichiral Hearts.'

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haha.... well hello, i'm the ceo of sad stories. 🤩

haha well anyways... i'm proud to say i'm finally finished this book, this book has my heart, well all my work in general, each book have meanings in them and in this story i wanted the meaning about 'recognizing trauma and accepting it' there are many people that may have hidden their trauma instead of dealing with it because it has scarred them for life and no one, i mean no one deserves to go through any traumatic experience.

people won't heal if they can't accept what happened to them, i'm not saying accept and be proud of what happened to you but accept it what happened to you and use it as a reminder that you can overcome anything because you did it. and even going on a journey to accept what happened to you just makes me proud because deciding that you want to heal even though it will be hard and take many years, believe me when i say it won't be easy nor be a quick process but rather years so even if it takes years, i believe in every single one of you.

thank you to those for giving this book a chance and i hope you enjoyed this story and hope you will be able to learn something from it, do know my pms are open if you need anything at all, i'll be your diary.

rainymoonyuri, out. <3

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