
591 135 12

Kian Turner

Stunned by Aura's cold response, I followed her to the DJ where she was standing beside Ezra. I saw Ezra offering her headphones to wear, but before she could put them on, I approached her.

"Hey, Aura, would you mind coming aside? I wanted to discuss a few things with you." I let out and she turned her eyes to me, studying me as if I were a stranger to her.

"Yeah, sure." She mumbled impassively as she passed the headphones over to Ezra. Meanwhile, Ezra kept his gaze fixed on me. For some reason, I found it irksome.

Aura stepped a few steps aside from Ezra and crossed her arms at her back. "Yeah, what it is?" Her cold question with her gaze wandering away from me confirmed that something was undoubtedly up with her.

I rubbed my face with my palms in exasperation before asking, "Okay, tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Wrong?" She frowned. "There's nothing wrong with me. What are you talking about?"

A frown formed on my face as well at her reply. "Then why have been acting strange? You didn't even react to my teasing a while ago, which you do every time. Did I do anything wrong last night that offended you?"

She visibly rolled her eyes and puffed her face. "I ain't behaving strangely in the first place and if I were, you are certainly not the reason. Secondly, I am not obligated to give reasons for my moods, and if you really want to know it's just the pressure of work that's getting heavier every passing day. That's all."

Okay, this was the Aura I met with; cold and straightforward. But she had gradually loosened up to me, she had started to smile, laugh, and have fun.

"Hey, Aura, you wanted to try the DJ controller, didn't you? Come on, DJ here will help you learn." Ezra exclaimed, grabbing both of our attention.

"Oh, I'm coming." Aura happily exclaimed and dashed to him, leaving me standing dumbstruck. How could she have left in the middle? We were not done talking yet!

My jaw ticked as rage bubbled inside me like lava inside the volcano when I saw Ezra getting touchy with her. He was being closer with her on the pretext of helping her wear headphones. And Aura being utterly naive or dumb, kept giggling at whatever he said or did.

She left me hanging in the middle just to be with him. They seemed to be getting closer day by day and I was not a fool not to notice what was happening between them.

For unknown reasons, it hurt me, but Fuck it! If she didn't want to be around me then I was also not going after her. My world surely didn't revolve around her! Damn with her!

I went back to where Leo was and stayed with him for a while until I got an opportunity to find Mia and Rachel free and luckily Gemma was away from the girls as well. I took it as an early opportunity and texted Gemma to call Rachel over to her. Gemma waved her hand at Rachel gesturing her to come over.

Rachel jumped in excitement. "I'll be back, Mia, Gemma's calling me."

Mia being already suspicious about Gemma, stopped Rachel by grabbing her wrist. "Why is she calling you over?"

Rachel gently smiled at her. "She mentioned before how much she liked the accessories I wear. She just wants to know where I bought 'em from. So, I'm just gonna help her through the website." With that, she withdrew her hand from Mia's grip and walked toward Gemma.

Mia's hand remained hanging in the air as she watched Rachel go. I saw the change of expression on her face, her eyes expressed hurt. I could already feel the anger radiating through her veins and I decided to blow the fuse.

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