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Aura Finley

From the very beginning, I had this hunch that Rian herself may bring some sort of hindrance to our plan. Her standing before us, anxious and trembling–just a day before the D-Day– lived up to my expectations.

I eyed her suspiciously. "What problem?" I questioned, making sure to maintain my calm and not to show the apprehension inside me out on my face.

Her hands reached for her hair to brush it back as she anxiously rocked back and forth on her feet. Alarmed by her movements, my gaze switched to Kian who stood beside me, only to find him staring at me in bewilderment. I shrugged, narrowing my eyes at him, silently rebuking him again for taking up the task.

He turned his gaze back to Rian and stepped forward. "Would you stop rocking and tell us what's the matter?"

She stopped. "I—my dad," She huffed. "Apparently, my dad had been sniffing after me and he...he suspected my intentions of running away. He has my cards blocked." 

Kian spoke, "We will help you flee anyhow. Don't worry about that."

She groaned, throwing her hands up in the air like an infant. "Oh, c'mon guys, this is much fucked up than it appears to be."

"Explain to me what it has to do with the escape?" I inquired. She must have cashed the money she required by now?

She hesitated a bit but anyhow opened her mouth. "I have no money on me. I'm left with nothing!"

"What?" Kian and I shouted in unison, shocked.

"Yes, I have no single penny—"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," I raised my hand to stop her from speaking any further as I pushed Kian back and stood closer to her.

"You mean to say...that you were going to escape the very next day and hadn't cashed out money yet?"

When she didn't reply, I growled at her. "Are you for real?! When were you going to cash out? After you had escaped? Have you lost your mind or have you been planning to be traced? Were you trying to have us caught?"

I felt someone grab my upper arm from behind. "Calm down, Aura," Kian mumbled as he pulled me away from Rian.

I swiftly turned to face him and yelled. "Calm down?! How can I when I have an idiot to deal with? Can you believe she—" I shut my eyes. My anger was taking over me.

I couldn't believe her. How could she have been so damn stupid?

"Listen, Aura, I accept that I committed a mistake but you don't have to be so harsh on me." I heard her state firmly.

I was furious and was about to set her straight when Kian held me firmly, shaking his head, gesturing me not to say anything. Still, I faced her but did not utter a word. Only if looks could kill, she would be lying in the casket by now.

She took a few deep breaths, her gaze became gentle. However, her composure remained uneasy. "Guys, I can't go back in time and fix it but I want your help because I don't have money to even pay you your remaining amount."

My eyes turned wide and Kian groaned. "Fuck!"

"Listen, I can still pay you and have money for myself as well but I am going to need your help in it." Rian quickly added.

"How do you think we can help you get the money?" Kian questioned her. I could feel disappointment in his voice. It was good actually; he needed to see the real face of her since he trusted her every word.

Rian nervously stroked her fingers through her hair, her confidence slowly seemed to waver, and her body appeared to tremble. The only question that resonated in my head was...what. What could she have in mind that made her tremble before us?

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