[ 000 ] : Death of Duty

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     Ara Hendrix is frozen. The boy infront of her is staring at her, eyes wide and aflame. His hand is squeezing hers, tightening with every passing second.

"Love is the bane of honour, and the death of duty." Tom states. His words seep into the depths of Ara's heart, and her stomach fills with lead.

"Do you understand me?" His raspy voice grows urgent with something akin to desire. The thirst for power, a sense of control, has left a gaping hole inside his chest. Out from his mud mouth spills words of false security and comfort.

Ara considers pulling her hand away from his, feeling all too exposed. His eyes are burning into hers and all she can think of is how endless they seem, and how deeply she prefers it when he doesn't look at her. The boy's nails sink into her skin, urging her to answer.

"Yes." Her voice is not her own. Neither are her hands. Nor is her life her own, but his.

The girl is tired. She has struggled for far too long, and those who struggle against fate only draw it tighter around their necks.

"You understand me. Yes, you do. But will you agree? Will you surrender yourself to a life as a death eater? Will you give anything and everything away in order to be a death eater?"

"Yes." Ara replies, but then she says nothing else, and it fills the room like blood.

note yes i understand the Harry Potter hype has died years ago but i've been hit with the urge to write for this fandom so you have no option but to ENDURE it. as always, I care for you and love you and hope you are all healthy and happy!! thank you for reading, have the best day / night ever <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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