Chapter 4

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Olivia P.O.V.

No, no, no, no, no! Why does this always happen to me?! I run out quickly. They'll be here any minute. Oh My Gosh! Why didn’t you just wake me, Soph? Okay, I'd probably be cranky all day if she had awakened me. But still!

I hear someone laughing, is that ...? The laugh sounds so familiar, I've heard a hundred times on youtube. I'm sure. Niall Horan is here! Then I hear more people talking and laughing. The voices become louder. I run around the corner and bang hard against someone.

"Ow!’I cry out, when I fall with my ass on the floor. I open my eyes and look straight into two bright blue eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Did I hurt you? "Asks a blonde boy with an Irish accent, he holds out his hand and helps me to stand up.

"I …uh... sorry..." I stammered. Right. In. Front. Of. Me. Stands. One. Direction.

OLIVIA BREATHE! I say to myself in my head. In. Out. In. Out.

"I'm seeing double, you dyed your hair, Sophia?" asks Louis, he stands next to me and touches my hair. Louis Tomlinson touches me!

"I'm Olivia ..." I know to tell.

"Sophia is my sister, we are twins ..." I say shyly.

"Oh that explains a lot! We didn’t know that Soph also had a sister! "Says a girls voice. Eleanor Calder! She has a nickname for my sister…

"Well, she has." I say giggling. I look back to the blonde boy. He still looks a little worried. I smile at him, he smiles back. Oh my gosh, that smile!

"Are you okay?" it’s Liam, he puts his arm around me. Inside explodes my fangirl heart but I stayed cool.

"Yeah ... I feel great!" I say with a big smile.

"I suppose you already know us? Your sister didn’t knew us... "it’s Harry’s deep voice. Oh my gosh those curls ...

"Yes of course I know you." Say with a wink, they all laugh.

"So, do you know where the rooms are?" I ask.

"Yes, your mother has explained it all to us." Zayn says.

"You have a nice mom!" Says Louis, he grabs Eleanor her hand. Aargh how cute!

"I know." I say with a smile.

"We're going to drop our stuff at the rooms, see you later Olivia!" Says Liam, he walks further with Harry.

"See you later!" Says Perrie who grabs Zayn's hand. Together they walk behind Liam and Harry.

"Bye!" Says Eleanor, who walks along with Louis.

"Speak to you later, bye Olivia. "Says Niall finally, he runs with his suitcases behind the group until he walks next to Liam and Harry. Oh My Gosh! I just met ONE DIRECTION! And my ass hurts…

Harry P.O.V.

"Seems like a nice girl." I say to Liam and Niall, they nod.

"I think her sister just not a fan of us ..." says Liam.

"No, I saw it! 'I say, laughing.

"You were very worried about Olivia, Niall!" Says Liam joking.

'I .. Eh ... "he said blushing. I start to laugh.

"Do you think she's hot? Ooh Niall has a crush! "I say teasingly. He looks angry in my direction.

"Shh, and no, I just didn’t wanted to hurt her..." he said, still blushing.

"Yeah right ..." said Liam, he looks at me laughing. Niall looks angrily at the ground and kicks a small stone away.

"Is anyone a little grumpy Niall?" I ask. He mumbles something and looks still at the ground.

"It's really beautiful here!" Says Liam suddenly, he looks admired around.

"I admit that Tommo have picked a good place here! 'I say.

"Yeah." He says popping the p.

Perrie P.O.V.

"I love this place, it's like a small village." I say cheerfully to my boyfriend beside me. He smiles sweet and I feel his soft lips on my cheek.

"Can’t wait to see our room!" He says.

"Neither do I!" I say excitedly. I grab my iPhone from my bag to take a picture but I see that I have a few new text messages.

Jesy: Babe, Have fun! Stay safe! Speak 2 u soon xxx

Leigh-Anne: Perr, have fun babe, see you in a few days xxLove

Jade: Have fun in la France! Miss you xx

I smile when I read the text messages from my friends. Also, my mother sent me a text message. I read it quickly. When I’m ready I hold up my phone to make a picture.

'Smile!' I say, Zayn looks up and smiles at the camera. I also smile then quickly make the picture.

"You look beautiful as usually, babe!" he says when we look at the picture. I smile and put my phone back in the bag.

"We're here!" Screams suddenly someone.

"That room is mine!"

"Elle and I take that!"

"Out of the way Payno that room is for Harry! '

Everyone calls together and before I know we are the last two outside the houses, I don’t even call it rooms ... So big! It just look like five little houses…

"Looks like we get that one." Says Zayn, who point at the last house.

"Looks great!" I say giggling. We walk together to the little house.

"It's beautiful!" I say when we walk inside.

Sophia P.O.V.

When my mother explained the way to the bungalows of the boys she walks to the Hotel, I decide to walk around through the narrow streets. Suddenly I see Olivia.

"Liv! " I cry out, she turns around quickly.

"Soph! Why didn’t you waken me? Oh my gosh! I just banged against Niall! "She says, she runs to me.

"So you've found them already ..." I say, laughing.

"Yes ... They are so cute! Don’t you think? "She says enthusiastically. Oh I hope she was much calmer when the boys were around…

"Nah, not really ... but the girls are super nice!" I say, thinking back to our conversation in the car.

"I didn’t know that Perrie also joined a band!" I add to it.

"Oh my gosh, you're such a loser ..." she says, laughing. I beat her lightly on her arm.

"What?" She asks.

"That I don’t waste my life on a few lads ......" I say, laughing. She pokes her tongue out.

"Let's go to the pool?" She suggests.

"You don’t want to stalk that boys?" I ask laughing.

"Ha ha, funny you ..." she says.

"Shall we?" She stands up, I nod and follow her example.

'Let's go! "


Helloo cutiess!

Thank you so much for reading! I just wanted to say that I wrote this story a while ago and things are now a little bit difference... I know, Liam and Danielle are still togheter but in this story they aren't. Maybe later... you never know ! 

I also wanted to say thank you for reading this story :) It means a lot to me, please vote and comment! 

Love You !



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