Chapter thirteen

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Leias P.O.V

All i was told from josh was to wear something nice and that we were seeing a movie. i dug around in my suitcase looking for the very few dresses i brought with me. i pulled two of them out and laid them on my bunk. the first one was a slowly floral dress and the second was a fitting black dress that reached mid thigh. i went with option two since the floral dress was more for the beach than a movie or whatever he has planned.

i brought it with me to the bathroom and did what i had to do. i did a dark smokey eye, peach lipstick, and the normal foundation. I just pulled my hair back into a slick pony tail, wrapping a strand of hair around the base to hide the hair tie. i slipped my dress on and it fitted just as it always does. its not too short and not too long and i like it. i matched it with a pair of black heels and then exited the tiny bathroom, only to be stopped by the whole contents of the bus staring at me with their eyes wide and chins on the floor.

“uh, you know i can see you guys staring at me right?” they all snapped out of it and went back to what they were doing. i grabbed my phone and shoved some money in my bra since i couldn't be bothered carrying anything. right on time i heard a knock at the door and opened it to see josh dressed in black skinny jeans and a blue checkered button up. his hair was standing up perfectly and inches hand he held flower.

i stepped off the bus, shutting the door and engulfing him in a hug. we stepped back and his eyes searched me over before saying. “you look beautiful, i mean, you always do but tonight you are exceptionally stunning” his smile could light up the sky from here to London. “i could say the same about you too” i smiled back and he offered me his arm and we walked away from the venue and into a cab which will take us to mystery location.

this felt so nice being out. Jake and i were a thing once but that soon ended when he found out that i was barely ever going be home and we just had a util breakup. it was more simple that way. we both figured that i want to spend time with music and he wants to finish school. Vic helped us figure it out even though it was a bit awkward since Vic is jakes dad but it all worked out in the end.

i snapped out of my mini flashback and directed my attention on Josh who was opening my door and i thanked the cab driver before connecting my hand with josh’s and we walked across the road to a small section of fancy restaurants. we stopped infront of my favourite mexican restaurant that my family always go to whenever none of us can be bothered cooking. i looked at him like a little child about to enter a candy store before we got escorted to a table and immediately got served all of my favourite dishes without me even having to look at the menu. but how did josh know all of this?

“i can’t believe you ordered all of the things i love. this is amazing thank you” i squealed in excitement as we started to dig into my first meal of the many that were on the table.

after all of our food, josh secretly paid without my knowledge so then we walked back across the street to the cinema. he refused to let me know what the movie was until we got inside so he got me a large blue slurp and a large popcorn to share. i knew exactly what movie this was as soon as the music started and i started bouncing around in my chair while he was laughing at my excitment.

“do you even know how much i love spiderman?” i said to josh after we exited the film and we walked down a small garden strip away from people. “well, after seeing how you cried through the whole movie and said your heart belongs to andrew garfield then i kind of get how much you love spider man.” we both laughed before we stopped walking and just stood there in silence for a moment.

“Tonight was amazing” i breathed out the cool night air and he nodded. “i wouldn’t have asked for anything more than this because this.” he paused for a second to motion to everything.” was perfect-“ he stopped again and looked at me and added under his breath “you’re perfect”. this made my cheeks burn like wild fire and the smile un-doubtedly hasn’t left my face since he arrived at the bus.

We kept walking and we thought we should probably get back to the bus before bus call just to make sure we don’t miss our buses leaving for the next venue. we slowly walked back, hand in hand, just taking the time to breath in the cool night air. we reached the bus and just stood in silence for what seemed like eternity because i don’t think either of us wanted to leave. i broke the silence by embracing him in a hug and just as i was about to say good bye the bus door flew open and out walks the one an only alan ashby with a cigarette in hand.

“uh, em well, tonight was amazing and i really enjoyed it. see you tomorrow?” i stuttered with nervoursnes before hugging him goodnight and parting ways with him. when he turned around and left i gave alan the worst death stare and he just smirked. “you didn’t come out here, accidentally interrupting us did you?” i said with so much annoyance dripping off my voice.

“nope” he was just being a dick head now so i slapped him. i straight up bitch slapped his face. little bitch deserved it.

“why do you even care who i hang out with Alan, you’re the one sleeping with that pastel slut i saw in your bunk. and don’t deny it. i saw you.its gross.” i cringed and retreated back onto the bus. i got a notification on my phone from my band group chat. ‘party at the ptv area’ i felt like i hadn’t spent much time with my band or my other friends i have made so i decided to head over there and just hang out for a bit.

i walked out of my bus, kicking dirt at alan on the way out and i headed over to the pierce bus. i walked onto the bus and stopped outside the back room, i could hear tony and another voice who i couldn’t quite recognise until they mentioned me. i listened into their conversation closely by leaning against the door.

“i was wondering if i could ask Leia to be my girlfriend, not yet, i still want to get to know more about her but when the time comes, i want to ask her but i thought i should ask you first.” oh my god, josh just asked my dad if he could date me. thats adorable

“I’m only saying yes because i know you wouldn’t hurt her and I’m good friends with tyler. so, yeah, you can date her i guess” they laughed and their conversation ended probably in a bro hug and i released should probably skedaddle from the bus so they don’t know i was listening. 

i exited the bus and found my way over to the bus next door because there was too much going on here and i hadn’t spoken to in a while. all time low. i walked onto their bus and was greeted by the four guys playing just dance in the main part of the bus. rian was crushing them all with five stars. they finished their dance to some katy perry song and came over to me saying their hellos.

after chatting for ages and a lot of just dance battles and me winning all of them, we said our good byes before i went back to my bus and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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