Chapter One

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J e s s i c a
Hey I'm Jessica, I'm 18 years old and this is my story. There's not much to me, I guess but here's my story.

J e s s i c a

January 14th 2013

I sighed and shut my locker. Maths class, yey! I'm in school. Now imagine me roll my eyes. Someone come rescue me from hell. I walked through the door and felt all eyes on me. I looked at the floor and made my way towards my seat. I sat down and opened my textbook trying to busy myself. "Hey freak," Alexa smirked showing her incredibly white teeth. I turned around to see her and her friends all laughing. I rolled my eyes and turned a page in my book. I felt her kick my chair. Wow how mature of you. "How your arms going, still slitting them," she laughed. Alexa had seen my scars in P.E. and hasn't stopped reminding me of them. "When will you hurry up and die doll, do everyone a favour," she snarled. My breathing quickened, my hands became shaky and clammy and the rooms noise got louder. Please not a panic attack. The teacher had arrived 10 minutes ago but Alexa's evil comments hadn't stopped. I had to get out. I picked up my book and bag and hurried out the class, tears streaming down my face. I wiped them away and ran to the toilet. I ran into one of the stall doors and locked it. I was sobbing violently and I couldn't stop. I slid down the side of the wall and collapsed on the floor. I heard the door open and a group of Year 7 girls come in giggling. I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up. I left the bathroom. 30 minutes left of class, I couldn't face anyone again. "Where can I go?" I asked myself. I decided to go down to the gym because there was no lessons so nobody would be down there. I opened my MacBook and opened Twitter. I tweeted a quote and scrolled through my feed.

"@wonderland-- Now I understand why Peter Pan never wanted to grow up

"@--sad-life-- I'm tired of pretending to be okay."

10 more minutes to bell, so I opened youtube and watched a video before packing up and leaving on the bell. I couldn't stand going to form so I just left school. No one would notice anyway. Luckily because I had left early, no one else from school was walking near me or at all. I couldn't wait to get home.

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