Night Stars

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She woke disoriented.  Her bed was a large 4 poster with beautiful carvings of unicorns and dragons.  Things until recently she would have thought of as myths.

The room she was in was lit by wall sconces and  a large fireplace.  There was a desk and chair, a wardrobe, a washstand and a clock.  No windows but it was still a lovely warm room.  "What time is it?"  She had learned to not use electronics in the wizarding world like she relied on in her old life.  Those things did not work in the magical world.  The clock in her room chimed 10. Relief washed through her as she noted it was early enough to get the items she would need to prepare for class in the morning. 

Grateful for the warmth from the fireplace, she got out of the comfy bed and went to the wash stand.  The basin was full of water that was warm.  It emptied itself and refilled when she was done cleaning up.  Magic did have it's perks, she thought.  The wardrobe contained her belongings and she was able to dress in some fresh clothing.  It was amazing what a solid few hours of sleep did to the psyche.

She noticed that there was a pile of items on the desk.  All the things that Professor Snape had given her but also several books, parchment, quills and ink and a black carrying bag.  A note lay atop the pile.

In neat cursive writing,

Everything you need to start class.

There was no signature but she knew who had written the note and gotten the items for her.  A smile lit her face and a feeling of warmth filled her body.  Stupid to be so touched by his small act but she was and so be it.  She folded the parchment and placed it in her wardrobe. She didn't want to throw it away.

After going through all the items and organizing them as needed per class her stomach was growling so loudly she couldn't ignore it. She put her shoes on and walked out of her room hoping to find some breakfast.  The hallway she was in looked familiar and after walking a short distance she noticed the bench in front of Snape's office.  So her room was in the dungeon next to Professor Snape's quarters.  It felt right to be close to him.  Shaking her head to clear the thoughts she paused but walked past his office door. 

The hallways were very quiet as she made her way up a few stairwells and out of the dungeon.  There was no other people and in truth it seemed a bit eerie.  She came across a portrait of a woman reading a book. "Could you tell me where the kitchens are please?"

The woman reading the book looked up at her.  "The main hall is two lefts a right and another left.  You can't miss it.  Not sure you will find anything there at this hour though.  Usually students are to be in their house quarters by this time but I suppose it is different rules for your lot."  She looked down and continued to read her book.

Hoping against hope to find some coffee, she went to the great hall without getting lost which she was pretty pleased with.  It was empty and soft light came from only a few torches that lit the large room.  Looking around for anyone, she noticed that it was dark outside.  She walked over to a window to a beautiful view of night sky.

"It's ten at night?" 

"Of course it is dear."  A small little elf appeared suddenly by her side.

"I slept that long?" 

The house elf chuckled.  " I can't tell you that but if you need something I can help you."

"Can you show me where the kitchen is so I can make myself a sandwich.  Apparently I slept the entire day away and missed well ... everything. Now my stomach is yelling at me.  I don't want you to have to go out of you ..."

Enyd didnt even get to finish her sentence before the house elf was pushing her to a table by the fire. 

"You sit, it is our job to cook.  We don't want witches and wizards messing up our kitchen.  I will get you something to eat."  And with that he disappeared.

Fire and Purpose(Severus Snape love story & alt ending)Mature Audiences (18+)Where stories live. Discover now