Will he accept me??

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"I am always with you riddima, never ever say that you are alone... I will always be with you no matter what. I love you riddima, I really love you, I am madly in love with you... please don't leave me... please..."

No............ shouted a girl when these words alarmed in her dream nonstop... 

girl: you left me vansh... that also in the worst way possible. you failed to keep your pact. you left me broken, vulnerable, and homeless when you left me. i lost my job because of you, i was starving at times, that also when i was pregnant with your son... you didn't do it right vansh, you will suffer for this one day... think this as my curse...

suddenly a small hand encircled around her neck from the back... it was a small boy maybe of age 7 or something. the girl smiles genuinely and kisses his hands and turns him to face her... 

boy(cupping her face): maa... why were you crying?? why are these stains of tears in your cheeks?? you know i don't like it Nah... so please, don't cry more... 

girl(in mind): you are just like him Rivan... you just remind me of him every time even if i don't want to compare a devil with an angelic son like you.

Rivan (shaking her): maa... now come out of your thoughts and promise me that you will not cry again for those who have hurt you ms riddima... 

riddima(like an obedient child): yes sir... now go to sleep. it's just 3 am in the morning. 

after making him sleep, she gets up and goes to her window side. seeing the moon, she gets lost in a flashback...


both vansh and riddima were laying in the bed, cuddling each other... legs tangled, her ears listening to the best sound in her life which is his heart, beating for her. In the safest arms, what else she wanted...

 vansh was sniffing her scent, which was the most addicting scent for him. whereas riddima was just looking at the moon thinking something...

riddima: vansh...

vansh(kissing her neck): hmm...

riddima: vansh, what do you see in that moon??

vansh(pretending not seeing anything): which moon?? i can't see anything in the sky...

riddima(hitting his chest playfully): i am serious vansh...

vansh(chuckling): i am also serious...

this irked riddhu a lot that she turn to face another side, making a cute pout on her face which made vansh chuckle at her attics... encircling his hands on her waist from the side and snuggling more, he spoke...

" i said i can't see a moon there because you are my moon, the one who light my dark world... the only light i wanna keep forever... and if you are not with me, i will talk to the moon thinking it's you... what say?? 

riddima: you never change...

vansh: that's true but you know, i will not give fate such a chance where i will talk to you through this moon... i will never let you go away from me...

riddima came back to reality when she heard the continuous vibration of her phone, she grabbed the phone and a smile formed her lips seeing the caller id, it said "KABIR"

The call:

riddima: hello.

Kabir: what hello ?? do you have any idea how much i was worried when i got to know you are going back to that devil?? i mean are you mad or what riddhu?? don't you know the matter's seriousness?? think about rivan and your future life for god sake...

riddima: that's why i am doing it, Kabir. It's been 7 years, ever since i slept properly... ever since i had peace. here it's not about me, it's about rivan and i don't want to take a chance in this.

Kabir(with a pale smile): fine i won't stop you... but what about me?? 

 riddima: woh...

Kabir: it's okay riddhu, take your time. i am ready to wait my entire life for you and ha i just have one condition.

riddima: and that is...

Kabir: that is, rivan will stay with me. got it??

riddima: but...

kabir: no but and if's.. see u in the airport.

riddima: hmm... good night.

Kabir: same to you... 

riddima(to herself): well how can i deny you, Kabir... i am indebted to you in such a way that i can't think of saying no to anything that you say. now it's 7 years ever since i lost my family, my friends, my love and ever since then you were with me, helping me in every situation like my shadow. i wish i had loved you in the first place rather than choosing vansh that day... now will he accept me?? wait why would he and why would i want him to?? i just hope, he won't deny accepting rivan... that's all i want now...

Author's pov

Riddima wanted a guy like Kabir, who would stay with her when she needs him and pampers her, give value to her opinions but what she got was something out of the box... an obsessed lover. it would be hard to choose one person in particular as it is a neverending saga of love triangle, obsessed love, and broken hearts... here knowingly or unknowingly both Kabir and riddhima were going to do a grave mistake, riddima by going back to him and Kabir by letting her go... 

come join me in this journey of obsessed and passionate love... 

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