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A few days after these events there was great commotion and much running up and down  stairs in Herr Sesemann's house. The master had just returned, and Sebastian and  Tinette were busy carrying up one package after another from the carriage, for Herr  Sesemann always brought back a lot of pretty things for his home. He himself had not  waited to do anything before going in to see his daughter. Heidi was sitting beside her, for  it was late afternoon, when the two were always together. Father and daughter greeted  each other with warm affection, for they were deeply attached to one another. Then he  held out his hand to Heidi, who had stolen away into the corner, and said kindly to her,  "And this is our little Swiss girl; come and shake hands with me! That's right! Now, tell me,  are Clara and you good friends with one another, or do you get angry and quarrel, and  then cry and make it up, and then start quarreling again on the next occasion?"

"No, Clara is always kind to me," answered Heidi.

"And Heidi," put in Clara quickly, "has not once tried to quarrel."

"That's all right, I am glad to hear it," said her father, as he rose from his chair. "But you  must excuse me, Clara, for I want my dinner; I have had nothing to eat all day. Afterwards  I will show you all the things I have brought home with me."

He found Fraulein Rottenmeier in the dining-room superintending the preparation for his  meal, and when he had taken his place she sat down opposite to him, looking the every  embodiment of bad news, so that he turned to her and said, "What am I to expect,  Fraulein Rottenmeier? You greet me with an expression of countenance that quite  frightens me. What is the matter? Clara seems cheerful enough."

"Herr Sesemann," began the lady in a solemn voice, "it is a matter which concerns Clara;  we have been frightfully imposed upon." 

"Indeed, in what way?" asked Herr Sesemann as he went on calmly drinking his wine.

"We had decided, as you remember, to get a companion for Clara, and as I knew how  anxious you were to have only those who were well-behaved and nicely brought up about  her, I thought I would look for a little Swiss girl, as I hoped to find such a one as I have  often read about, who, born as it were of the mountain air, lives and moves without  touching the earth." 

"Still I think even a Swiss child would have to touch the earth if she wanted to go  anywhere," remarked Herr Sesemann, "otherwise they would have been given wings  instead of feet." 

"Ah, Herr Sesemann, you know what I mean," continued Fraulein Rottenmeier. "I mean  one so at home among the living creatures of the high, pure mountain regions, that she  would be like some idealistic being from another world among us."

"And what could Clara do with such an idealistic being as you describe, Fraulein  Rottenmeier."

"I am not joking, Herr Sesemann, the matter is a more serious one than you think; I have  been shockingly, disgracefully imposed upon."

"But how? what is there shocking and disgraceful? I see nothing shocking in the child,"  remarked Herr Sesemann quietly.

"If you only knew of one thing she has done, if you only knew of the kind of people and  animals she has brought into the house during your absence! The tutor can tell you more  about that." 

"Animals? what am I to understand by animals, Fraulein Rottenmeier?"

"It is past understanding; the whole behavior of the child would be past understanding, if it  were not that at times she is evidently not in her right mind." 

Herr Sesemann had attached very little importance to what was told him up till now—but  not in her right mind! that was more serious and might be prejudicial to his own child. Herr  Sesemann looked very narrowly at the lady opposite to assure himself that the mental  aberration was not on her side. At that moment the door opened and the tutor was  announced. 

Heidi by Johanna SpyriWhere stories live. Discover now