if u where dying in their arms

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-u had gon on a very dangerous mission together, sadly u where the one who took the most hits, the worst one has your stomach sliced open.

-he'd hold u close and try to stop the bleeding

-he'd be panicking, stuterring, crying trying to keep u alive, but in the end....everyone needs to learn to let go at some point


"NO! Y/N! YOU'LL BE FINE! JUST.....DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES! stay awake a little bit longer!!"

".....im sorry....i wasnt able to be with u forever like i promise ofter all..."

"....pls..u cant leave me! DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES! DONT GO!"

"....i love-.."

-U didnt close your eyes, u died looking at his

-he held u closer and cried as he felt your warmth fade away

MEGUMI: (he didnt exacty....hold u in his arms?)


-that ended badly...-

-so u all went on the space ship, Gojo sensei warned everyone of the dangers of space and blah blah blah

-megumi held u close to him the whole way there, he was afraid something bad would happen to u, he really needed to use the restroom but he couldnt just let u be, who knows what you'd do?, ofter u reasured hem a few times he gave in and let go of u and went to the restroom, but when he came back he saw u right next to the door that leaded to outerspace, the door was starting to open and Megumi panicked to badly to ran a little to fast towards u and tripped causing hem to push u out the door into outerspace,

-He quickly closed the door shut the door and everyone came running to the scene

-he's eyes wide open as a human eye could possibly be, he pushed the one he cared about the one he wanted to protect, the one he loved dearely

-u looked hem in the eyes, tears flowing from your eyes, one hand reached out for him

-he started tearing up

-everything felt like it was going so slow, in slow motion, but in reality, 1 min passed, only 1 min it all happened so fast

-u died so...fast, the only thing the two of u exchanged was expressions

-he couldnt even move, he...killed u?..

-1 min...everyone was shoked, panicking, but....quiet

-megumi stood still as he painfully wached your lifeless body distance itself from the ship, from everyone, ....from.....Megumi's view

-then he backed up

-he cried, still eyes wide open in shock, before he even could notice.....he was screaming on the top of his lungs, his hands in his hair


-everyone watched in horror as Itadori kept megumi away from the door not letting megumi go out in space as well

-he lost u, he was so lost in saving u he managed to do the opposite, his worst nightmare,

-he killed u, he pushed u out there, he didnt even manage to hold u, tell u he loved u, he didnt manage to save u...

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