Chapter 14

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1 week later

Eric wasn't eating Kurt and Blaine were really worried it wasn't because he was ill because he was better. It wasn't because he was worried about Ethan because he was home and healing from his operation that went really well. His appendix is out so he won't get appendicitis ever again. So they had no idea what it was.

Blaine sighs and for the 4th time he goes to Eric and asks what's wrong "Hey Kiddo me and Pappy are very worried about you. Why aren't you eating?"

Emily walks up to Blaine "Daddy? I don't want to talk but if it's to help Eric I will." She says very quietly

Blaine smiles "Thank you is your therapist helping by the way?"

Blaine POV:

Kurt and I knew or just had a feeling that she wasn't just not talking because of her mom and Dad. So we made an appointment and our suspicions were correct she has autism. The only thing that the therapist said is she must really like Blaine because a lot of people with Autism don't like to be comforted. We noticed that when she didn't make eye contact, but when her teacher said she was worried because all she did was sit in the corner by herself doing her own thing. We knew something was up she wouldn't even play with her brothers most of the time she just wanted to be alone.

End of POV


Emily shrugs Blaine kisses her head "You don't have to tell me about Eric Emily I know you don't to talk it ok. You go back and do what you were doing."

Emily smiles and goes back to her colouring book Blaine looks at Eric "So what's up with you?"

Eric frowns "If I eat I feel sick."

Blaine smiles he finally got to the bottom of it. "Ok well you might have an allergy. So you're scared to eat?"

Eric nods "Yes Daddy I'm sorry is it a bad thing because if I was bad I will go in timeout."

Blaine shook his head "It's bad not to eat because you need food ok? So do you like bananas?"

Eric smiles "Yeah and I love watermelon."

Blaine giggles "Ok well will you eat some? I can cut some bananas and Watermelon up for you?"

Eric thought for a minute "Ok but only a little I'm scared I will be itchy and fell icky again."

Blaine sighs "Yup you definitely have some sort of allergy. I have work tomorrow so instead of you going to school I know Pappy is off work tomorrow so I will talk to him and hopefully you can go find out what you are allergic to. Then we can get rid of it completely out of the house ok?"

Eric smiles and hugs Blaine tightly "Thank you so much Daddy."


Hunter walks into Max's room "Hi Kiddo papa told me to ask where you are going tonight."

Max nods "Going to breadsticks with Julian."

Hunter raised an eyebrow "On a date?"

Max froze "No at least I don't think so Oh my god what if it is a date. I'm 15 I'm not read to date no way. Am I? Think about it though we are both gay going alone to a really nice restaurant. Well it looks nice I don't rate the food so high. I really like him I have a crush on him you know that so does papa. Does he like me back?"

Hunter walks up to him "Listen sit down. I went on my first date when I was 15. Anyway do you want this to be a date?"

Max's nods slowly "Yeah I mean Julian is such a nice guy I definitely want to be more than friends."

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