Chapter 32

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Nick crossed his arms "I meant what I said I don't want my baby around him."

Jeff rolls his eyes spiting the tooth paste out in the sink "Well "Your" baby is in love with his son so you're gonna have to deal with it."

Nick huffs "I can't after what he did. I mean it was horrible."

Jeff kisses his head "I know I agree with you I really do, but Julian comes before anything and you have to admit he is the happiest we've seen him since he was like 5 when your mom passed away."

Nick sighs "Ok I guess you're right, but Sebastian evil."

Jeff nods "I agree what he did to us unforgivable. I understand why you don't want him near Julian I really do. It involved him it was really scary."

Nick frowns "see you're crying there is a reason we cut him out of our lives."

Jeff sniffles "Maybe we should tell Julian he might understand."

Nick nods "Yeah I think he's old enough to hear it."


Nick sighs "You're probably wondering why I hate Sebastian so much and it's because when you were very young he tried to brake into our house. He said something like 'you stole what is mine.' We tried so hard to protect you Julian but apparently you was what we stole from him."

Jeff bit his lip "He managed to get in the house I was holding you so tight but all you could do is cry. He came marching up to us I asked him what he wanted and he pointed to you. Of course I said no I said if he didn't do anything to you that he could do what ever he want's."

Nick held Jeff's hand "I went straight up to him and told him 'Listen I don't know why you're here I don't want to but you made my baby cry and I want you to get out of our house please before I call the police.' So he left."

Jeff sighs "Yup but not without hurting your dad so much that he was in hospital I kept telling him to stop but he didn't and I couldn't stop him because I needed to keep you safe."

Julian was shocked at what he was hearing "He really did that? How old was I?"

Nick smiles sadly "you were 1."

Julian sighs "Sebastian needs help he's finally asking for it which is good right? I know it won't change what happened I just I love max and I'm not ready to let him go, but if being with him brings back bad memories I will break up with him."

Nick hugs him "you don't have to you do what's right for you ok?"

Julian nods "I have to hearing what he did no wonder I never met max before I mean they live so close."

Jeff frowns "Ok honey."


Max tears up "I don't like where this is going."

Julian sniffles "We have to break up. I love you I really do but your papa did something terrible and it really hurt my parents my dad ended up in hospital."

Max was now full on crying "So that's it we're done?"

Julian wipes away Max's tears "please don't cry I hate seeing you cry. I love you I always will maybe one day we can run off together but I can't be with you if it's hurting my family."

Max nods "Can I have one lass kiss and then I will go next door?"

Julian kisses him "I love you Maxy."

Max didn't say anything he just got up and left.

A/N I am so sorry 🥺 they will be together again I promise so don't worry

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