Unity Plea. 20.

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I wake up to the feel of Melissa's hand roaming over my chest and I let out a soft groan, enjoying every bit of it before my hand comes up to hold hers.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my eyes still closed and she giggles softly.

"Counting your scars." She says and I intertwine our fingers.

"And how many are they?"

"Eight, excluding the ones on your back." She mutters and I finally open my eyes to look at her. Her big, blue eyes are on mine and her red hair is glowing under the sunlight seeping in through the window.

"Hi." She adds and I chuckle, pulling her up to plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I have to say, your bed is temptingly comfortable. That was the best sleep I've had in a while." I say after the kiss as I wrap my arms around her and hold her warm, naked body against mine.

"Me too," she says as she sighs in response, "But I don't think it was just the bed." She adds and I can't help but laugh as I toy with her fingers.

"You're right. It's you and that body of yours, with me in a bed that can barely contain two people, which makes it even more perfect. Then there was that storm..." as I'm talking, my lips are roaming her face and neck, lightly brushing her skin as she shivers and giggles in response.

"We should come here more often, you know."

"And why is that?" she asks in a scoff as she gives me look like I'm crazy.

"Why not? It's private, secluded and cosy. I mean I've had more real and personal time with you here than I ever could back at the castle. There's no Felipe waiting for me with the days' orders," my lips have moved to her ear and I'm nibbling,

"No maidens taking you away to get changed and denying me the view of your body, no guards standing at every corner. For once, we don't have to cancel a schedule just to have private time, we're just two regular people enjoying ourselves."

"Okayyy...." she moans as she moves away a bit to look at me, "You're right, it feels amazing being here with you. Like a secret, getaway cottage."

"Exactly... our secret getaway cottage."

Melissa leans back into my arms and I run my fingers through her hair as morning sounds begin to fill the air.

"Do you think Halley is okay?" she asks, leaning back a bit to look up at me with worried, blue eyes.

"She's fine, trust me. Felipe won't let her out of his sight after what happened at the ball." I tell her as reassuringly as I can and she lets out a sigh of relief.

"Okay." She says and leans on my chest again. For a while, we just lay there in each other's arms, listening to the birds chirp as the world around us wakes up gradually; doors opening, chatter rising—

"We'll have to leave sooner or later." She says in a murmur and I let out an unhappy groan, causing Melissa to giggle.

"Just a few more minutes." I plead and she moves away completely this time, sitting up a little to lean on her arm as she turns to me.

"We have a kingdom to run... and the people probably think we're dead." She says with the raise of an eyebrow, her hair falling to one side and I just raise my hands to cup her full breasts, teasing them softly as I lean up to kiss her neck.

"Who cares what they think?" I murmur and she sighs reluctantly,

"Stefan..." she moans as I move my lips to hers, but she places two fingers on my lips to stop me as she stares into my eyes,

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