Lady Melissa. 21

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I stare out my window as the approaching carriage draws closer, becoming more and more vivid. As the sunflower symbol comes into view on the purple flag of the carriage, I let out a sigh.


Princess Dana, and maybe King Gregory, will be here any minute...meaning he did accept their offer.

Just as I suspected.

"My lady." Cecily says from behind me and I turn to see her carrying my usual platter of food directly from the royal table...a look of concern on her face.

"Not to worry, Cecily." I say dismissively as I pick up my bag carrying the few things that I brought with me to the castle. "I won't be eating today."

And her shoulders sag as she stares at me.

"But, My Lady--"

"You should call me Melissa... it's only appropriate."

"My lady," she insists, dropping the platter, "You haven't been eating well all week. You don't look like you've been sleeping well, either. Prince Alexander has been worried--"

"Stop. Please." I say, turning away as my throat clogs with tears at the mention of his name.

Worried? Him?

He doesn't have the right to act worried... he doesn't get to feel guilty or try to mend everything by sending Cecily with food and messages just because I stopped eating and hearing matters with him.

What's the point anyway? Since that day he got the letter...I knew it was all over. It was over right from the moment he opened it without waiting for me...and everything he said in the throne room proved it. So I did what I had to do... I let go of every entitlement I was given right from when I got here.

Sleeping in his chambers.

Eating at the royal dining table.

Being called 'Your Highness'.

Hearing Matters.

And each time, Prince Alexander tried to beg me to rethink...but I wouldn't listen or talk to him, so he started sending Cecily and Felipe.

It wasn't like I didn't want to speak to him, but I just couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear standing there and watching him plead with me to reason when hearing his voice alone always brought me close to tears.

How can the same person I shared a bed with for so long... that I allowed myself to be intimate with for the first time ever,... how can that same person instantly turn me away the first chance he gets and expect me to keep pretending like it's all okay?


Every word he said in the throne room that day hurt me and scarred me in ways I'm still trying to comprehend...and that's why it can never be the same.

"He says he hasn't seen you for the past couple days..." Cecily says softly, her voice low with concern. "And he was wondering if you would make it for tonight's--"

"I'm not attending the feast tonight." I say after I've successfully kept my emotions in check and I turn back to Cecily who is now staring at me in shock.

"Forgive my asking, My lady, but why not?"

"There's nothing to forgive, Cecily. I'm simply not going because I'm no longer royalty, so I'm leaving." I say just as I hear the castle gates open and the sound of trotting horses.

Cecily keeps staring at me like she's still trying to digest what I've said and I walk past her to head for the door.

"Can you please get Halley and meet me at the gate? I already told her we would be leaving today." I ask her as she turns to me, but she slightly frowns.

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