Rafael's Letter

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AN: For CaitlinHoy for requesting that I post it.


Firstly, I must say good bye. I never planned on leaving you this way. Of everyone that I am leaving behind, I will miss you the most. I will miss all of you, but I have known you the longest, and we have shared the most. This parting is not easy, but eventually you will see that it couldn’t be any other way. It might take longer than I would wish it, but truly to do this any other way would be the same as sending you to your death.

As you’ve probably already realized, our original goal has been forgotten. I am entrusting you with the responsibility to see that it is fulfilled and that Alejandro did not abandon his mate without just cause. I have been privy to more knowledge than I let on. And because of that knowledge, I must ask two last things from you. I wish that this was not necessary, but you are the only one that I can entrust with this knowledge. I will leave it to your whether the others, if they still remain, find out about this. However I beg you, if you tell them, consider what you are telling them and how they will react.

The first thing I must ask of you is that you don’t give up. Not yet. You are needed for future events to happen successfully. And these events must come to pass. I cannot tell you why they must, or when they will. But I tell you that they must. We have shared so much, if nothing else, grant me this one thing. You must survive. The future cannot continue any other way.

Secondly, I most ask that you protect Andre. I know that you have never met him, and likely that you have never heard of him, but he must be protected. You will find him where you least expect to, but you must find him, and when you do, you must protect him. Perhaps the one thing more important than keeping yourself alive, is keeping him alive. Whatever you do, you must keep him alive. For as long as he lives, hope lives. I cannot tell you who that hope is for; or to what side that hope goes to. But that hope must be kept alive.

Ty, I must ask that you be prepared to face eternity alone. I regret telling you this, but you must know that when the final dust surrounding the sentries dies down, you will be the only one left standing. I wish that my final words to you could have been different, but that is not the way our world works. Perhaps one day, when we meet in the eternal afterlife, I will be able to explain this in greater detail. The seven of us will sit down and share all the adventures we’ve been on and all the mysteries that we’ve solved. I look forward to that day.

Keep me in your heart, for I will keep you in mine.

Goodbye my friend,


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