Guardian Demon

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AN: This isn't the first chapter this is just what I wrote one day that inspired me start writing this story. It also explains a bit of my take on angels and demons for this story.

Some say that vampires are demons, so we classify them as such. But what exactly are demons? The scary monsters that live under the bed? The human monsters that stalk the streets at night? Your nightmare family? Your old ex? No. You might call them demons, but their just people. The term ‘demon’ is usually more reserved for, I believe that the term you recognize them by would be ‘supernatural’. But what does that term really mean? Is just anything that isn’t human? So are animals supposed to be considered ‘supernatural’ just because they don’t walk and talk and wear clothes like humans? Or is it just animals that we don’t know, so if we found a new species that didn’t look like anything else, would we call it ‘supernatural’ because it looked different? Or is just what we don’t understand? But no, that can’t be it; otherwise, we would be calling the past ‘supernatural’ because we don’t understand so much of what has happened. Or space, we’ve barely managed to scrap the surface of the mysteries out there. Still, don’t call it ‘supernatural’.

Demons aren’t the evil beings that we make them out to be. None of them asked for it, they were born as they were. Some are the dangerous bad boys that your friends warn you away from. Or they can be the sweet nerdy kid from science class with a hidden life. They can be hired hit men, or professional assassins only available to those connected to the right people with enough money to enlist their skills. The only real similarities are that they all have a built in love for violence, either trouble finds them, or they make their own. The other thing is that they will do whatever it takes to get what they want, kill, love, seduce, torture, manipulate, even reveal what they really are if it would help. If you find yourself in the way of something that a demon wants, it’s usually a good idea to get out of the way, otherwise you might just find yourself dead, with the police scratching their head as they review evidence for you murder. No current leads. No witnesses. Eventually they will drop the case and just move on. Leaving you to just be forgotten, wishing that you had never left home that day. If the demons are protecting someone, then you better hope you never try to hurt whoever they have choose to protect, (or go anywhere near them really, demons are known to have a bit of a temper and homicidal streak) single-minded determination doesn’t even come close, they would kill anyone to protect whoever it is, and I do mean anyone.

If you’re shaking your head and thinking that I’m making this all this up, than go read the paper again. Or go look it up on the internet. It does happen, every day, you just choose to not to do anything about it. Some of you even do see it, and just write it off as reporters making up wild stories again. But if reporters make up such wild stories, why do people always believe them? And if ‘demons’ are just the things that walk in the dark; then what are angels? Winged beings playing harps and dancing all day in heaven? The saints you hear about in church and school? No.  They can be lovers, seductive and caring, always there when you need them to protect you. They can be killers, killing anyone, even their most trusted friends without a second thought or a hint of regret, they can do it while their beautiful faces say ‘sorry’. They can be the woman who works across from you in the cubicles at work. They can be the nameless man you hire to do a dirty job. They can be millionaires, the homeless man that you pass every day. They can be whoever they want to be, the only thing that they all really have in common is that they have a life built up where ever they are. And they will do whatever it takes to protect that life. Or they can be no one, living in the world, but not living in it. Silent; invisible; watching; waiting. But what are they waiting for?

Are you ready to find out?

Guardian Demon (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now