You're my world.

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When we lock eyes, the world stops, the only thing I can hear is your heart beating. When I hold your hand it's the perfect fit, when I hear your morning voice, I can't stop smiling knowing that I get to wake up to you in the morning ^^, I love everything you do, I love how sometimes you are clingy and don't ever let go, I love your laugh, I love how you just start singing randomly. Everytime I see you, my heart goes crazy, everytime I get a text message from you, I smile like an idiot and answer you first. xD I love the fact that I can be myself around you and not worry if your judging me or not. I love the cute little noises you make when your super sleepy hehe. You are an amazing person,you mean more to me than I can explain. I hope you know who you are XD

P.S. I need more gummy bears >_<

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