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God made a man to walk the Earth along with a lovely wife on his side. All brothers get jealous of the other and that was Lucifer, the jealous brother. He wanted someone to walk the Earth alongside Adam and Eve so he created Adamo.

Adamo was no equal to Adam but stronger, faster and all around better. He lived forever since he had no soul to tie him anywhere and no heart that had to beat. Adamo had bones stronger than steel and skin better than stone but everyone has a weakness. Adams's was he could not eat food prepared by man but rather man himself, his blood was Adamo's food. His other weakness was he didn't breathe like man, Lucifer didn't know how to make life like his brother. Instead Adamo survive thriving off others blood to keep him alive, like a monster.

Lucifer made Adamo, a monster that walked amongst man but was not one himself.

As man got larger in number Adamo became a monster that was believed to had no heart or soul. Lucifer made more of his lovely creations to wreak havoc on earth, all of them were males since Lucifer once again couldn't match his brothers and only knew how to make males.

The humans called Adamo and his sons Bloodsuckers and the name would stick for a very, very long time. The Bloodsuckers rained chaos in the humans making an enemy that was weaker and pathetic compared to them.

As time went on man was sick of being the bugs under the bloodsuckers feet so they started making weapons against them, many were failures but one did the trick. A wooden stake that was soaked in holy water, man felt powerful agin having a weapon against the bloodsuckers.

The humans started killing the bloodsuckers leaving Adamo alone again. And this time the humans wanted it to stay that way so they spent years searching for Adamo.

They found him up on the highest mountain in a black castle surrounded by stone, the humans cursed him so that he could never go out in the daylight with out turning to dust, that way the human could live in the day and hide at night.

Lucifer was furious that humans could curse he greatest creation with a little help from his brother but there was nothing he could do exempt make more bloodsuckers.

For centuries all the bloodsuckers were males until her. . .

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