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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...














A girl with a walking cane walks into the Chancellor's room, punching one guard named Kondou and hitting the other, Komiya, with her stick, knocking them out.

Chancellor Ryuuen of Class A, sitting on his throne, turns to her and smirks. He gestures for his right-hand man Ishizaki to stay out of it.

Ryuuen: "Yodayanagi. You survived."

Yodayanagi: *Grins smugly*. "Surprised?"

Ryuuen: "Your arrogance blinds you-"

Yodayanagi throws her cane away, charges towards him, front flips, and drop kicks him in the face, not leaving him any time to get up and be ready to fight. The force cartwheels him off his chair.

Ryuuen scowls: "That was a cheap shot."

Yodayanagi does the come at me bro gesture: "At an end, your rule is. And not short enough, it was."

The Queen reclaims her rule of Class A, and they all lived happily ever after.









or so the Saka- *ahem* YODAyanagi faction thinks.

Little did she know that the final boss has yet to reveal themselves.

Little did she know that the final boss has yet to reveal themselves

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To Be Continued

Ichika looking like she enjoys it 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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