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"Haha! Tricked you!" I grinned as I began to race off through the narrow bustling streets.

"You little thief!" Roared a man from behind me. The group of men I tricked came racing after me.

Their big builds couldn't catch up to me though so I new I was pretty safe.

Oh boy, I feel like this was the best part! The people's reaction when they realised that what I was doing wasn't actual magic! Haha.

I raced around a corner and another through the filthy narrow streets. Merchants and peasants roamed the streets and small shops scattered the sides. The unpaved roads collected mud and filth from the recent rains.

I turned around another corner after I let them catch up to me a bit to make them feel they had a chance. I turned into a thin alley way only to soon realise it was a dead end.

Shoot! I whipped around to try get back out again before they could catch me but they where already there closing in on me.

I quickly surveyed the alleyway looking for a quick exit. To my dismay I couldn't find one.

"You rotten thief! You gonna pay!" The biggest man roared in the middle of the gang. All six men had evil grins rises on their faces, one began drawing a small knife from his pocket.

"We will make sure you won't do it again street rat." One of them grinned evilly cracking his knuckles.

"Yes I won't do it again sir, sorry for the misunderstanding sir, you can have your money back sir." The situation had just occurred to me. I probably wasn't going to make it out alive. I was scared I was ready to die. My heart was racing and I couldn't think straight.

"Oh we know you won't." The man with the knife crept closer until he was only about 2 metres away from me.

"Erona Envisionia!" A whisper came from behind me, I spun around only to find an old man standing infront of a shop door. Then I turned around again only to find all six of the men yelping and screaming. They fell to the floor begging for mercy at something I didn't see and then the all got up off the floor and ran away, continually screaming as they left.

"What the hell?" I blurted out confused, reverting my attention to the old man again.

"Don't Mess with Magic you fool!" He said furiously
"It is an old force and should not be melded with! It is more important than any off us!"

"Who are you?" I out bursted

"Merlin, now go home to your family before those men come back." He enjoined

"But sir, I have no family." I whispered sorrowfully

"Well, I'm sorry to here that." It was clear he didn't mean what he said

"Now hurry along."


On the way back through the streets I saw the old man Merlin appear from a small shop up ahead.
He was such an mysterious old man who looked as if he had so much to hide. And he new actual magic! I began making my way towards him again making sure he didn't see me.

Merlin wore long robes reaching his feet and it was amazing how the bottoms didn't get dirty! His long white fine hair reached down to his hips and his beard was nearly as long. He had a long staff that aided him as he walked up the hill into the outskirts of the busy town. To make sure he didn't know he was being followed I quietly treaded through the bushes and shrubs as we moved further away from the busy streets. The farm land around us soon turned into forest with tall pine trees on either side.

A small cottage began to grow larger as we turned left onto a more deserted forest area. The small cottage had ivy growing out of reach onto the roof and around the small glass windows. Merlin must be rich! Glass was an expensive luxury that only few could afford. Merlin hobbled up to the great oak door and stepped inside.

Now was my chance! I crept up to the front door and used the big door knocker to knock three times.
"Sorry I..." Merlin began as he opened the door
"Your not a merchant." he huffed as he began to close the door.
"Wait! I want you to teach me Magic!" I quickly said.
"No! Go away!" He huffed, continuing to close the big door.
I managed to stick my boot into the door before he could close it.
"But wait please sir can I stay the night? It's getting dark and there are wolves out!" I pleaded. It was true around this time of year wolves where taking young children out in the fields even in broad daylight.
"Well you should have thought about that before you followed me then hey? Go away!" He said uninterested and angry. He attempted to close the door again and this time I let him. I removed my foot from the door and he slammed the door shut in my face.
I sat down on the front step trying to stay awake but eventually drifted to sleep.

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