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11 | The Sea Serpent

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11 | The Sea Serpent

Running to the other side of the deck, Edmund looked over at the water with worry filled eyes. Kya shared a frightened look with Lucy. The ship made a sudden lurch, knocking everyone off of their feet. Kya stumbled as she tried to get back up, helping Lucy up as well.

"Look!" Caspian exclaimed, pointing at something in the water. "What is that?" Something was in the water, the dark green scaly figure moving beneath the waters surface. Kya's eyes widened slightly, a shiver running through her.

"It's too late. It's too late!" stated Lord Rhoop loudly.

"It's gone under the boat!" someone shouted, pure terror in his voice. "It's gone under the boat!"

Lucy had turned around, her face paling. Gael was the only one on the other side of the deck. "Gael!" The sea serpent had now fully risen out of the water, a scream escaping Gael at the sight. Kya had no idea what she was expecting the sea serpent to look like but this was not it.

It was like the air cooled when the creature rose, as if the temperature had just dropped. The aura the serpent brought was most certainly not a pleasant one. Lucy had quickly ran forward and pulled Gael away from the serpent. The crew raising their weapons, getting ready to strike the creature. Kya gripping one of her knives tightly.

Eustace had flew down, blasting a huge wash of fire at the serpent. He latched tightly onto the creature, trying to move it away from the ship. Reepicheep trying to help by stabbing the serpent with his little sword. Eustace was now struggling to keep the serpent in his clutches, he was now trying to hold on for as long as he could.

He didn't last as long as he wished, Eustace had now been flung away by the serpent. A shriek of worry coming from Kya. She knew she had to help somehow, but she didn't know how. Kya wasn't prepared for fighting a sea serpent, she didn't know how to contribute. She was completely and utterly clueless on what to do.

The serpent had caught Eustace mid-air, dragging him under water before flinging him at a rock. The dragon hit the rock hard, Kya'a knuckles were turning white as she clutched the handle of one of her knives tighter. Her brother was being hurt, he was in pain.

The serpent had now gone back underwater. While Lord Rhoop had used his sword to throw at Eustace, who he must have thought was the monster attacking them. "Out, creature!" Eustace whined in pain as the should it just above his shoulder. He flew away from them until he was out of sight.

Kya ran to the edge of the ship looking around, hoping to regain sight of Eustace. "Eustace! Eustace!" He was gone. Tears started streaming down her cheeks.

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