Chapter 18 The Wedding(this)

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"The more good you are, the more evil people are attracted to your light.

Trying to snatch your soul ,and infiltrate it with darkness from the inside.

You may flicker, struggle to survive but remember.

That no matter how dark the night is.

"The Sun will always rise."

- Suzangill©


She walks down the alter in a beautiful white dress, a bouquet of flowers held in her hands.

Her long hair elegantly styles in a royal bun, and her face veiled by a transparent net curtain.

Claps echo around her as everyone gets up to welcome her , making the nervousness in the pit of her stomach to worsen.

Not daring to look up at so many eyes fixed at her, she proceeds forward following the red carpet below.

A hand is placed on her shoulder and she almost cringed at the contact.

Looking up she saw her father smiling at her and she could tell without the blink of an eye, that the bast*** was really good in faking it.

She couldn't do it though, she couldn't smile when she felt like crying from the inside.

Lowering her gaze back on her feet, she no longer bothers when he interlocks her arm with his and walks down towards the alter.

Towards him.

Making her stand right in front of him, her father holds her right hand and offers it to Ethan.
Who gently holds it, making her heart to thud rapidly in her chest .

Her fingers lay on his palms and he encloses it in his.Moving closer to her.

She didn't dared to look up. Too anxious.

The clicking of pictures and presence of media, making her hands to sweat and she closes her eyes.

Calm down Vivian. We can do this. Come on!

Encouraging herself. The priest spoke next and she was thankful for it.

Finally everyone's attention shifts from her to the old man carrying out the ceremony.

And she sighs.

Unaware of that one stare still remaining at her.

Oblivious of everyone's presence,he just stared at those lowered eyes veiled behind the curtain.

The beautiful green eyes of his future wife.

Which he was desperate to see right now.

"I welcome you all on this auspicious day."

" Now that our bride and groom are here, let's begin with the Sermon."

The priest says and the ceremony begins from 1 Corinthians 13 .


"Love is patient"

"Love is kind."

"It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."

"It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking."

Her grip on his hand tightens on this line and he couldn't help agree more.
He has dishonoured Vivian...but then he didn't love her.

" it is not easily angered"

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