Chapter 14 Accepted?

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Ethan's pov

I am so fuc*** up man!

I sometimes hate myself for what I did to her.But then I didn't do it deliberately.

I will be truthful with you atleast.

I proposed to her, yes. But because I really wanted to.

I liked her.

Her fierceness...her challenging nature...the spark in those green eyes...laced with that innocence ....the sass with which she rejected boys...her badass attitude yet her shyness in a feets distance of me.

I liked the complexities and challenges associated with Vivian Klein.

But then ,when I saw Elijah and Sophie spending time together.
Her ignoring me to spend time with him.

Her smiling at him and cracking jokes.

I don't know what snapped inside me. I wanted that boy away from my Sophie.

Vivian no longer remained my centre of attention...we used to go on dates...her being cozy with me...sharing her feelings with me.

But my mind...I was always thinking about if Sophie was fine with Elijah... making sure that he doesn't hurt her.

I was always jealous of Elijah getting close to Sophie.

And then one day, it happened.

The realisation, that it was Sophie who I had always loved.
And no matter how much I tried to care for Vivian like I cared for Sophie.

I wasn't able to.

I could never love Vivian as I realised my heart was already a captive of Soph.


We were walking down the halls with Vivian's hand interlocked with mine.
Her cheek pressed against my shoulder as she played with my fingers.

"You know Ethan...I always wished to have someone to hold hands with."

"My father never held mine...and I used to cry seeing others doing it for their children."

"That's childish."

I scoff, considering it to be so stupid of her to think so much about a petty thing like this.
Not considering the depth of the words from where it was coming.

Holding onto her hand tightly , I pull us into an empty classroom.
Making her back to hit the door .

Lifting our interlocked hands, I kiss her knuckles and she smiles.
Her beautiful green eyes twinkling in happiness.

"Is this how you want we to hold them?"

I ask raising my eyebrow and she nods, looking down at the ground shyly.
Surprising her by moving our hands above our head, I slam them above her.

Her widened eyes met mine and I move closer to her.Whispering near her ear making goosebumps to appear on her skin.

"Then I promise to hold them forever."

She smiles. Her grip tightening in my hands and that's when I smash my lips on her

Kissing her.

She moaned as I took her to new heights of pleasure. Her soft lips seeming perfect against mine .
But I can't help smile in between the kiss....what a stupid girl?.
This was our 9 th or maybe 10 th kiss as she still doesn't know how to kiss back properly.

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