carter x texas

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it was a day like any other, carter was walking to his classes, ignoring the many comments from the kids at his school such as 'nerd' and 'stinky poopoo brain' and 'sexy tit goddess'. he was used to the name calling, of course. it happens to everyone and nothing can change that. everyone was tame and kept it to simple name calling in the halls, all except for one person. texas. him and texas had known each other for awhile, practically ever since they were babies. but for some reason texas had never liked carter, he didn't know just why but he grew to accept the fact. growing up, carter often had to hang out with texas since their parents were friends but he dreaded it since texas would do nothing but terrorize him. shoving him, stealing his toys, once he threw a dumbbell at him. but of course the bullying continued outside of school, texas would call him any name he could think of and shove him as hard as he could, if they were in a big group of people texas would always find a way to embarrass him. but today was the day. carter was tired of it, completely. he was done with the constant emotional terror that texas put him through, so he decided he'd finally stand up for himself. once 1st was over, he raced down to his locker, but low and behold, texas was already one step ahead. "what do you think you're doing here?" texas teased with a smirk, leaning himself again carters locker. "im trying to get my stuff, what else would i be doing?" he asked in a confused manner. texas shook his head, "i don't think you're gonna be doing that," he said. "and whys that?" carter questioned. "because youre gonna see yourself to class before you regret it." texas threatened him. 'this fucking asshole' carter thought to himself. "no im not." carter straightened up. texas look shocked and his tone changed, "what did you say to me kite?" carter took a deep breath. "I said no," this put texas in a sudden rage, in an instant he grabbed carter by the collar and shoved him to the locker, breathing heavily as his whole body heated up in anger. carter shoved him off immediately, "don't touch me!!" he angrily yelled. "you messed with the wrong guys, kite. you won't be seeing the last of me anytime soon. and that he was right. the entire week carter noticed the bullying get more and more frequent and more and more intense. he was close to his breaking point. he walked into the bathroom on friday to take a break for himself, he rinsed his face with some water and looked in the mirror. that was until he noticed the figure behind him. "well would you look at that?" he heard a familiar voice say. texas. of course. carter whipped around quickly trying to get out. he felt a hand tightly grab him as he was spun around and shoved to the wall. "nonono, im not gonna let an opportunity like this slide away so easily" texas said menacingly. carters breath started to hitch and felt his eyes gloss, aswell as his ears heating up. he was scared, genuinely scared. he was alone in a bathroom with his worst enemy and no cameras. this couldn't be good. "please.. don't.." carter quietly said, his voice quivering. texas grabbed carters collar and got his fist ready to punch him, carter closed his eyes in fear waiting for the hit to come, but there was nothing. he slowly opened one of his eyes, seeing the texas had made a stop, hand frozen in the air. he looked off, sympathetic almost. he heard him take a deep breath and slowly release his hold on carter. "ki- carter," he corrected himself. "im- im so sorry... im so sorry for all of this. you don't deserve it. ive been nothing but an ass to you and I regret it so so much. I guess it's just, I was jealous of you but. but recently I found something out, im not jealous of you. im in love with you. and I have been for years, I was just too pussy to admit that to myself." woah. now that's a lot to take in. carter was confused to say the least, this was not how he expected his friday morning to go. he was at a loss for words, in all honesty. he had no clue what to even say to all this, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel the same. there was a reason that texas' bullying bothered him more than anyone elses. "you don't have to say anything, I under I messed up big time. and it's completely understandable if you hate me, I expect that from you, I mean I completely ruined your li-" texas was cut off by carter pulling texas into a kiss. he was taken aback, but eagerly kissed him back. they shared a long passionate kiss. they eventually broke apart, texas was in awe, now he was the one lost for words. carter smirked at texas' appearance. "ill see around, texas," he then left the room, leaving texas dazzled and confused. everything texas ever wanted to happen FINALLY happened. and holy fucking shit was it great.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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