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The quiet patter of rain against the hood of the dark green pickup truck filled the uncomfortable silence. The small cabin held just a bench seat, forcing the pair to suffer in close quarters next to each other. A Pendleton blanket was stretched over the truck bench, holes cut into the fabric allowed the seat belt buckles through. Hanging from the mirror was a beautiful clear crystal; behind it, a dream catcher beaded with reds and golds. The beaded piece felt familiar and Niylah could recall it hanging from a previous car's mirror.

The entire ride from the airport felt weighed down with a heavy fog of awkwardness. Even for Niylah, who normally had no trouble holding a conversation, struggled to add anything beneficial. What was she supposed to say to a man – her father – she hadn't seen in years? Aside from the occasional birthday card or phone call, she rarely kept in contact with him.

"Have you thought about which school you're going to after you graduate?"

Niylah had her attention focused out the passenger side window as she watched the cedar trees blur past her view. The rain clouds hung overhead, darkening the late afternoon sky and making the world outside seem cold and distant. It was just as her mom described it – cold, wet and, suffocating. Large mountains blocked the view of most of the sky and the sun was often blotted out by ominous storm clouds. Whatever wasn't blocked by towering peaks was pinned up against threatening waves, the sea spreading out into the never-ending horizon. The air was pungent with the asphyxiating stench of fish and saltwater. Siren's Bay was a stark contrast to the city life she led in Colmoore; skyscrapers replaced mountains and a bright, open sky replaced the drowsy rain. Niylah was already missing her home, but she had agreed to spend the summer with her father before finishing her senior year.

"You know, there's a great university in the city nearby. Have you thought about what you're going to take?"

She had to give him points for trying despite her quiet.

"I was thinking about applying to UCol," Niylah admitted, keeping her gaze on the world buzzing by.

"You liked animals when you were young. You even wanted to become a marine biologist! They have an awesome program nearby."

Finally, she tore her gaze to look at the man, her father. Tom had aged a lot since she last remembered. Her mom didn't keep many pictures of him so she had based her vision of him off on what little she knew. His hair was covered by a faded black cap with the words Siren's Bay Marina printed in white on the front, but Niylah could see that his short, dark brown hair was now swept back and pieces of grey peeked out from the sides. His once clean-shaven face but was now covered by a trimmed, salt and pepper beard and mustache. His tanned skin wrinkled near his dark eyes, revealing years of smiling. Niylah wasn't sure whether she was glad he found happiness, in some way, over the decades or if the thought made her bitter. Definitely the latter.

"I haven't wanted to be a marine biologist since I was eight." She hadn't meant for her tone to come out so accusatory, but she could tell by his recoil that she had struck a nerve. A tinge of guilt tugged at her core but she turned away, choosing to ignore it.

She didn't mean to be so hostile, but years of resentment had built up like a layered shield. This man was her father, but she never knew him as her dad. She knew it wasn't his fault that their marriage failed. While her mom wanted to leave the small, fishing town of Siren's Bay, for bigger and brighter things, Tom had stayed to take care of his ailing parents. Niylah knew they attempted to salvage their marriage, but the distance had proved to be too strenuous and resulted in their divorce. She didn't know if she could blame her mother. Siren's Bay seemed to be the same as her six-year-old brain could remember. Small, suffocating and, unwelcoming. She longed for the city she left behind, but she knew she just had to get through the summer. Then, it'd be smooth sailing through her senior year before she could escape to her university campus.

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